Monday, January 25, 2010

Is Bleeding Normal After Removal Of Cerical Polyp


New Ontology of Decline: Dialogues with Gianni Vattimo's nihilistic hermeneutics

ISBN: 978-950-786-771-2
Publisher: Biblos
City: Buenos Aires
Year: 2009
Language: English

Gianni Vattimo
is without doubt one of the greatest living philosophers who has embarked on a difficult quest for renewal of critical thinking in an era postmetaphysical left by a school of thought weak to reformulate the possibilities of human emancipation in terms of a progressive reduction of violence and dogmatism. This concept is inspired by a creative dialogue that the philosopher has been able to engage in Turin with the thought Heidegger reinterpreted from the perspective of "left" on the one hand, and the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche, on the other. This dialogue has led to an unusual development in a nihilistic hermeneutics ontology which warns the strong influence of Hans-Georg Gadamer and Luigi Pareyson, where the imprint is also evident from the Marxist dialectical tradition from Hegel to Lukács George Herbert critical theory Marcuse, Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer, and in which there is no lack of thought original readings of JP Sartre, Ernst Bloch and Walter Benjamin.

Vattimo's hermeneutics, then, a subtle philosophy that has developed in regular contact and discussion with classical German philosophy from Kant to Hegel and Marx, and from Schopenhauer and Romantic German Schleiermacher. And even extends beyond the theoretical horizon to Dilthey, the philosophy of German neo-Kantianism and idealism of Edmund Husserl's phenomenology. This could characterize Debole hermeneutic ontology as a meeting place and differentiation, but also recovery Verwindung distortionary in the sense of the main currents of contemporary thought.

For this creative work of Gianni Vattimo's work has received a fair international recognition that has intensified in recent years with tributes from around the world and the giving of honorary doctorates at several universities. Adding to the recognition that pays for her figure, this volume attempts to collect the interventions of prominent philosophers of Europe as Marramao Giacomo, Giovanni Giorgio, Teresa Oñate, Francisco Arenas-Dolz, Manuel Torres Viscaya and while providing a broad overview reception of weak thought in Latin America with attention to the contributions some of the most important American philosophers.

In a historic moment in which we witness a decline of progressive forces in the developed world, South America has again become a special gravity in recent ethical and political considerations of the Italian thinker. For this reason the pages of this book attempt to contribute to a dialogue full of future, not only for our region.

Carlos MUÑOZ GUTIERREZ, Mariano Daniel Leiro, Victor Samuel Rivera.


After performing
Francisco Arenas-Dolz and Teresa Oñate (Spain)

Vattimo and Latin American hermeneutics

Hermeneutics and Society in Vattimo
Beuchot (Mexico)

social science, politics, poor hermeneutic
Carlos Bernardo Gutiérrez (Colombia).

Nietzsche and Heidegger. Las Fuentes del pensiero debole

Nietzsche: philosophy as an ontological ejercicio.
Helena Lisboa da Cunha (Brazil)

Nietzsche, Heidegger ... Vattimo.
continuity of Nietzsche and Heidegger in the light of Vattimo
Manuel Torres Vizcaya (Spain)

Vattimo and Derrida

Miroslav Milovic (Brazil)

Justice, Law and Violence. Notes on Derrida and Vattimo
Rossano Pecoraro (Brazil)

Philosophy and communication

Biovelocidad: the Absolute Spirit Communication
Ricardo Viscardi (Uruguay)

Modernity and postmodernity: The derealization limits
Mariana Urquijo Reguera (Spain)

Vattimo: Kaleidoscope of philosophy and praxis
Paiva Raquel Soares Araujo (Brazil)

Nihilism and Emancipation

Nihilism in Vattimo: the more hospitable guests Zubiria
Sergio Samper (Colombia)

hermeneutic and political nihilism
Giovanni Giorgio ( Italy)

The end of philosophy at the age of democracy
Gianni Vattimo (Italy)

sui generis
Communism and Christianity in Gianni Vattimo
Pablo Guadarrama González (Cuba)

Vattimo and the problem of liberation
Desiato (Venezuela)

The horizon emancipation of politics from the Nihilist hermeneutics
Marta de la Vega Visbal (Venezuela)

Ex Oriente. Politics from the sidelines
Samuel Victor Rivera (Peru)

De San Vincenzo San Vincenzo

Kenosis and Secularization
Soria Jose Ignacio Lopez (Peru)

A (a) delinquent affiliation: Pareyson, Vattimo and the name of God
María José Rossi (Argentina)

elements to think about the return of the religious
About Gianni Vattimo and Leonardo Boff
Monica Giardina (Argentina)


The present and the limits of philosophy.
On the ontology of the decline
of Gianni Vattimo and Richard Rorty's neo pragmatism
Giacomo Marramao (Italy)

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Velveeta Rotel Chicken Commercial

ARGENTINA: Luis Alberto Spinetta says "Uranium no thanks"

Click on this sentence to see the video

With a clear position, we planted against plunder and pollution carried out various projects whose devastating power with the complicity of state policies that protect and stimulate. Face mining and pollution, soybean monoculture, deforestation, the pulp mills, the territorial problems of indigenous people and the danger of nuclear energy in all its stages. present this site as a space for some information and inviting them to participate as neighbors concerned about the environment and human health. We believe that everyone is affected and that only together we can change how we interact with the environment.

Why say NO to mine Sierra Pintada uranium?
After working for years, Sierra Pintada was closed and abandoned without them being processed wastes were produced. So negligence allowed to pollute and continue polluting our river Diamond seriously affecting the health of the population. San Rafael has high rates congenital malformations and cancers result of this pollution.
Therefore we demand:

total remediation of radioactive waste generated by the old operation and decommissioning of uranium mine




Thursday, January 7, 2010

Bestfriend Quotes For Picnik

François Raffoul Conference

School of Philosophy and the Institute for Philosophical Research of the University of Costa Rica invites public lecture:

The Origins of Accountability

Dictated by: François Raffoul (cf. CV), professor of philosophy at Louisiana State University, USA.

Presentation and translation: Jethro Masís.
Venue: Auditorium Roberto Murillo Zamora, Faculty of Arts at the University of Costa Rica.
Time: Thursday January 14 2010, 6:00 pm. François Raffoul

is since 2004 professor of philosophy at Louisiana State University , States Together. He earned his doctorate in philosophy from École de Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales with a thesis on Heidegger addressed at that time (1995) by Jacques Derrida. He has published books Heidegger and the Subject (New York: Prometheus, 1999) and A while Chaques fois (Paris: Galilée, 2004). He has also coedited Disseminating Lacan (New York: SUNY, 1996), Heidegger and Practical Philosophy (New York: SUNY, 2002), Rethinking Facticity (New York: SUNY, 2002), and French Interpretations of Heidegger (New York: SUNY, 2008).