Monday, May 24, 2010

Pocket Camcorder With Low Light


By Adrian Abonizio (*)

be defeated means that it was fought: against fire weapons and fog of consciousness. Idiot who has not been defeated and maintains an illusion amatory triumphalism. Central is the team that lost in the Sunday prior to the birth of the nation, but his funeral is not such nor as categorical. Why? Why a call from a tearful race may think that embodies this type? No. The loss in these cases acquires another dimension when his rival, who has been floating in the waters of the A, is minor spiritual and uses attributes such as adultery shameful championships outright purchase and more importantly for this scoundrel, no to make a clever counter our setback: it all comes down to teasing vain taking off the tongue, draw ghosts of the B as the highest joke between what are supposed to be warriors faced. Fell with great noise and a lot of blood exposure. Cowardly generals who for months did not attend any pretext battle various diseases and sending troops to the front of a inexperienced, devalued, humiliated by the boss himself and his son, obviously inept of the worst kind: they do not realize the sin committed . Of the terrible wounds learned. Visit with Legionnaires beaten adverse courts; we will see ground fighting in courts and balls with matreros crooked referees. We travel a caravan of fear and silence, Death to our side, the memory of her that we condemn trafficking the pathways of B. But the real fight is foguean wrestlers. At the end of the day will be a terrible adventure that brings us the blood of the spear tip and edges of our soldiers near teenager. Making fun of this quest is worthless. Woe to those who do when his past is spurious and its achievements, its stars are vitiated by fraud. We are defeated but the defeat is our victory, tests the mettle. To him going toward the war. Who does not fall not rise. Who does not believe has no country. Nothing ventured will never fall caer.Y meaning is learning. This type can not be consoled verbal or rhetorical devices idiots. This type looks over, knowing that adrenaline and heart are prepared. Fate put us ahead of this challenge, welcome, to him we go, whatever happens, we're alive and we have no one in our hearts cold sore.

is proud to be a villain and it can still scream. No need to say "back." Simply because, as the wandering ghost of revolution and struggle, we, we, we.

(*) Author, composer, songwriter, poet, artist, musician, editor, rsarino and Central.

Monday, May 17, 2010

What Is Your Cm Like Before You Period

The eminent composer and poet Horacio Ferrer visited the city, under an agreement signed between the National University of Rosario and the National Academy of Tango

By including the tango in the plans for higher education. Graciana

Petrone for

The maestro Horacio Ferrer visited the city under an agreement signed between the National Academy of Tango and the University Nacional de Rosario (UNR). He did this in order to formalize the inclusion of the tango in the school curriculum and content to advance his forthcoming book, "A thousand verses to Picasso." The edition, which is part of the plan to annex the legendary folk arts to higher education, containing one hundred poems entirely devoted to the English painter and illustrations accompanied by his wife, artist Lulu Micheli. Participated in the panel with the composer and poet, the president of the UNR, Darío Maiorana and the owner of the National Academy of Tango de Rosario, Miguel Jubany, who said: "The tango has to be studied not only from music, dance , singing and poetry but also - as the law says National - through related sciences: history, anthropology or psychology. "

The intention of including the tango in higher education represents a very important turning point for university activities. "In the school of psychology are working to provide a series of talks to bring students to tango," said Jubany. As said material will be very productive in the curriculum.

"You can do - said Ferrer - a work of teaching, knowledge transfer and location of the tango in Argentina's history. It is always a protagonist, a little bum and bohemian, but leading at last. " Also said that several years ago that the National Academy of Tango in Buenos Aires conducts seminars for the university sector where they approach the music, the tango culture and literature popular art.

Horacio Ferrer has written numerous lyrics, including the distinctive "Balada para un loco" or "Chiquilín of basin" - immortalized in the voice of Roberto Goyeneche, among many others. It is also the maximum diffuser tango in the world. Conducted research trials which have been translated into several languages \u200b\u200band presented at major libraries in the world, among which stands out, perhaps his most paradigmatic, "The golden age of tango."

"A thousand verses to Picasso" from Madrid to Rosario
Carrying a simple and admirable human quality, the teacher Ferrer and his wife Lulu - as he calls it - talked exclusively to this reporter, which counted some backstage daily as part of the tireless work they carry out for art and popular culture, as well as on his new book.

The genesis of the book "A thousand to see you to Picasso" has a very particular history, as the drawings that accompany each tango poems were presented in the most important cultural centers in the world with rave reviews. Micheli said that a few years ago made a fantastic "From Lulu to Picasso "at the Madrid Art Gallery Annta occasion in which her husband recited poetry to the accompaniment of English pianist Yaco González.

"At first the gallery owner was not quite agree with that I expose my work because it was known in Spain - Micheli confessed - but as I always say, I have the luck to be next to a large as Horace. " The words of the artist not only confirm his humble nature, as the criticism of the leading newspapers in Madrid were impeccable art regarding their works, which categorized as "true picasianas visions mode itself Lulu "and represented under" a figurative and surrealist art. " Also, it was subsequently shown in Paris and around Florianópolis but that part of her husband's work "and that while he wrote his poems" she "drew and painted."

Existentialism and Surrealism tango de Micheli
It is intriguing to imagine the coexistence of existentialism so real with the surreal tango de Micheli, and as such, so irreverent features characteristic of this movement and so inconsistent. In this regard, Ferrer said: "I met Lulu during an exhibition of her at the bar The Poetry of San Telmo and got into a world of painting. Although I've been a draftsman, I stopped painting when I fell in love with her because the couple should not compete. She makes her paintings and my poetry and I complement each other and are in perfect harmony. "

Ferrer married life is marked by the art from the beginning of the day. Both were told that "separated at noon they come back together at night." "Lulu works in his studio he has in barracks because we live in a very small department, but with a view that reaches the coast of Uruguay, yet share many things together, "he concluded.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Best Price For Rituxan

Lejanía necessary, the book of poems by Marta Díaz

Graciana Petrone, for

Marta Diaz is a true poet. Pen is a poet, a poet and a look of superior sensibility that gave very broad powers to write his book Remoteness Needed , comprising more than one hundred poems in literary quality unchallenged. These attributes in most writers would not need to stress, but in the case of this author everything is so "necessary" as the title of his work, recently presented at the Library Gaston Gori. Eleven years ago is deprived of his liberty. The papers in his edition is the result of their participation in the workshop The Flamethrower, coordinated by Fabrizio Simeoni and delivered within the Criminal No. 5 Women of Rosario, where they received exclusively to The Voyeur Digital.

may seem a trivial sentence can not imagine what life inside a prison and being deprived of liberty. In fact, this reporter went through some iron gates to access the author of Remoteness Needed. But Diaz is a case different. Nothing in it seems to be rooted in neglect and the consequences caused by the closure. On the contrary, has a decided character, full of life projects and is an eternal gratitude of the people who helped define their course: the writing workshop colleagues flamethrowers and especially its coordinator.

While talking to The Voyeur Digital is in several places at once. Is hyperactive, coordinated with the prison guard, receive visits and deliveries of pizzas and cakes prepared to sell out of the prison. "From the day I met Fabricio - say - my life changed. In this time he had already released three books and I admired his strength of will, intelligence, and then I thought what could I complain if next to it my confinement was a minor detail. "

A dream come true
The book consists of almost one hundred poems which, although they are drawn from the enclosure, this is not the main focus. Friendship, loneliness and gratitude are some of the themes addressed Díaz like an established writer. And really, as it acts as such and with the same vehemence dumps it in the paper: "I am taking with you mate and I'm wondering what I can write. I have always the notebook next to me and I'm writing down my ideas. "

Díaz said that "before entering the Penal never wrote even a letter," and even did not finish school. "This book is a dream come true - he explains - something very important in my life. I do not mind spending money that I had to edit it, but I really want is that people will read it and see it from here inside can also be. "And" still deprived of freedom can live and relive and survive "and that" may be taking a mate "but I just want to write."

necessary Lejanía
"I chose to put Lejanía necessary because being away from my family took me to learn to appreciate everything, including myself. I was a blank, I worked for they not want anything to my children and distance made me realize that I can have a life, friends incuse more people than I ever thought it could be much less in this place " he says.

The author explained that it took several months assembling the book but "the hardest work" - as he calls the process of editing and layout - they did Fabricio Simeoni and Patricia Torres. But Diaz diagramed in full the work, all subtly titled poems and added entries (also written by him) in some texts.

The workshop The Flamethrower is like a big family
about four years ago that the author participates in the literary workshop flamethrowers, which runs on Saturday afternoon at the Library Gaston Gori district in Fisherton. Like a picture that occurred in recent form, detailing precisely the day he attended for the first time: "I was on the phone, handcuffs. He was cold, heat, and I were all together as if part of my family. I always say they are my family, perhaps because I share more with them than with my children. "

Diaz also expresses its appreciation to the members of the workshop over and over again. Nor to exalt the figure of Simeoni and how much represents work done by the writer with her. "He is very special. Big is the force that gives me every day to get up. There are mornings when I wake up and ask, 'What am I doing in here? ". And again I think what I complain and start the day thinking of Fabrizio. "He says. Also, told by the coordinator traveled twice to the Book Fair in Buenos Aires.

Breaking the myths: if you want you can
His work in The Literary Workshop Flamethrower filled her life expectancy. He also said that with doing that carried out within the prison "was able to purchase furniture to furnish your apartment and keep it in condition for when released."

The writer is full of dreams and illusions. Although he admits he has a strong character that also respects the work of those who guard the prison: "Here it is in a harder but I appreciate people around me, even the prison-guard. They are people too, have families and often discriminate against them for wearing a uniform or for the work they do. " Firm in his convictions, Diaz knows what she wants and is grateful for life, even in your situation: "Many times I saw wrong and came up and asked if I needed to talk and had no reason to do so, until I wrote a poem to one of them, because it reminds me my daughter .... "

Remoteness Needed Two poems

A soldier sheaths his weapon

is young but their eyes are hard.

Forced to kill

your heart bleeds

ink poem

he ever wrote.


lines running through the fear.

The image of horror

contains ambitious hatred.

A distinguished landscape

face the indifferent eyes.