banning open pit mining
The Executive Power of Tierra del Fuego introduced a bill to prohibit the use of metal ores with the open mode and the use of certain pollutants in the mining industry. In line with the provisions in 7 provinces of Argentina, the Executive submitted to the Legislature a bill to prohibit in Tierra del Fuego "the exploitation of metal ores with the open mode" and use, in principle, hydrochloric acid , hydrofluoric, nitric and sulfuric acid, ammonium sodium bromide, carbonate, cyanide, sodium cyanide, mercury and sodium iodide in the processes of prospecting, exploration, exploitation, and industrialization of mineral ores, whatever the extraction method used. The said draft law states that it is driven "is intended to accomplish the environmental principles preventive, precautionary and intergenerational equity established 25,675 domestic law and the principle of sustainable development established by law provincial 55 ", with particular emphasis on the principles of guarantee rational and sustainable use of natural resources, protection of water resources, conservation of biological diversity and the minimization of environmental risks, among others. Fortunately there is still no process in the province in brand-exploitation of copper ores, iron, aluminum, manganese, lead, zinc, gold, silver, platinum or lithium, so the debate on this issue is more than appropriate, since it would establish a framework of environmental protection prior to the development of the activity, while ensuring that the parliamentary debate not see crossed by any sectoral interest or economic interest affected.

Gold trinkets
: an activity with many benefits ... but only for some
For other interesting information is to provide the Executive, at the time to give substance to this initiative on mining in Argentina.
that is drawn from the fiscal side "shows that mining companies have, among other benefits, fiscal stability for thirty years, which means that they can not see their tax burden affected or tariff, or reduce their benefits, or see changed its exchange rate regime, and may also deduct from the calculation of income tax 100% the amount invested in determining the feasibility of a project including prospecting, exploration, special studies, pilot plants and research.
Likewise, investments in infrastructure can also be written off income tax, and by virtue of Law 24,228 on the Federal Mining Agreement, the provinces and the Government agreed to eliminate all tax and municipal tax and tax stamps. In addition, companies are exempt from customs duties and taxes, so do not pay import duties or any other charge, fee or charge of statistics on imports of capital goods, equipment or supplies.
are also exempt from tax on checks and fuels, are especially favored by the exemption of taxes on exports and the earnings differential treatment because they may transfer abroad the capital and profits at any time without paying taxes or charges on these transfers, without having to liquidate the foreign currency into the country and 100% of the output of their exports. "
All this, only in exchange for pay" royalties to a maximum of 3% in the mouth of mine "and the generation of jobs. Benefits such that the authorities say Fuegian represent "very limited amounts of the value of our resources," reflecting that Argentina "Prefer a quick over-exploitation of its resources with a very low tax burden, the development of local industry leading to regional or even global level."
As extractive mode that seeks to ban under provincial jurisdiction, it is argued that operates in the country "with a minimum economic contact with their environment," because the legislation allows that "the extraction of metals from groundwater not be inserted into a comprehensive and integrated supply chain economically.
example of this is that mining projects in the open, do not provide the processing of minerals in the country. "
In return for the tax benefits available to the mining activity is warning that causes irreversible destruction of native environments in the area of \u200b\u200bthe operation and impact on surrounding natural environment, including protected areas overlap with the operational . Also generates a "major geomorphological changes, distortion of surface and ground water basins, water loss in the regularity and quantity of water available per year per station, air pollution particles and gases, particulate substances toxic can travel long distances; routine and accidental pollution of surface and groundwater, soil and biota with hazardous waste pollution from acid drainage, risk of accidents during the transport of hazardous substances and oil spills in the area of \u200b\u200bexploitation, generation of hazardous waste sites, particularly tailings dams and tailings impoundments remain for hundreds of years in areas not sufficiently studied and the irreparable destruction of the landscape and environmental perception of the affected site. "Added to this is obviously the health impact of populations near the open pit mining projects. It is indicated between the "heavy metal poisoning, diseases respiratory and lead and mercury poisoning, "and states that generally are" more serious because of the scale and intensive use of chemicals and toxins in relation to traditional mining.
The Journal of Tierra del Fuego
Ushuaia April 1 st 2010