not judge me, I do not know. How about my window? The look dirty or too neat? Open it and see what is inside certainly did not imagine what you can find. Taches not the first blow, to paint the wall is very easy but removing more trouble spots. Not going to church going to be a better person. One thing is respect and a tolerance, not to introduce your sermon if you know who you are, do not live without passion. Continues at a steady pace your beliefs or ideals but do not destroy your step, say that each takes what he sows. Pick your way, I'll get mine, do not follow anyone for that and is the destination. Nobody forced you to look but have the freedom to say, the three wise monkeys are to talk about: see no evil, hear no evil and say no evil.
Wear Zara leopard moccasins, leather pants H & M H & M coat, sunglasses and purse TOPMAN Pull & Bear
Wearing leopard flats from Zara, Leather pants from H & M coat from H & M TOPMAN and bag Sunglasses from Pull & Bear
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Friday, March 25, 2011
After Prom Ideas In Hamptons
Last Tuesday I attended the meeting of bloggers at the offices of Mango.
At 9 I was with Andy (Stylescrapbook) in the hotel where they stayed all the bloggers who attended the event where we would collect two taxis to take us home to Mango, when we arrived we were served all in wonder not led to the room where they would dig the whole project and the shooting and explained to the girls that was everything they had to choose clothes and accessories and create two looks which would be photographed so that people could vote, the look best decided by the public would gain € 5,000 to donate to an NGO selected by the winning blogger.
We got down to work, we photographed every detail and they choose the two sets that lead to the pictures, but first charge the batteries with a delicious brunch served us, once elected the outfits and makeup by the lovely and MAC makeup artist Maite artistazo Tuset started the photo shoot, they were all gorgeous each with its style and looks very different!
Once the photos of the first set we went to eat and in the afternoon followed by the second.
stayed there all day passing big, laughing, taking photos and meeting nice people!
Give thanks largely to Cristina Gonzalez and of course Andy Torres (Stylescrapbook) to tell me and Chiara Ferragni (TheblondeSalad) for link in your blog and for being so adorable, hope you enjoy the pictures!
Special thanks to Cristina Gonzalez and Specially to Andy Torres (Stylescrapbook) for trust in me and shared Chiara Ferragni for my link in her blog and Be so cute, I hope you like the pictures!
and to vote your favorite look you have to enter here: - Suerte chicas!
If you want to vote your favorite look you can do it here: – Good luck girls!
Our delicious brunch
I couldn’t resist to create my Mango look
Cris and I, she is lovely <3
Andy Torres and I
I love Polaroids
Maite from MAC, she is a make-up artist!
Wi-fi Zone
My look of the day. Wearing vintage leather jacket, Zara dress, Miu Miu bag, Parfois Necklace and Friis&Co booties.
Time to laugh
Webcam rules
Last Tuesday I attended the meeting of bloggers at the offices of Mango.
At 9 I was with Andy (Stylescrapbook) in the hotel where they stayed all the bloggers who attended the event where we would collect two taxis to take us home to Mango, when we arrived we were served all in wonder not led to the room where they would dig the whole project and the shooting and explained to the girls that was everything they had to choose clothes and accessories and create two looks which would be photographed so that people could vote, the look best decided by the public would gain € 5,000 to donate to an NGO selected by the winning blogger.
We got down to work, we photographed every detail and they choose the two sets that lead to the pictures, but first charge the batteries with a delicious brunch served us, once elected the outfits and makeup by the lovely and MAC makeup artist Maite artistazo Tuset started the photo shoot, they were all gorgeous each with its style and looks very different!
Once the photos of the first set we went to eat and in the afternoon followed by the second.
stayed there all day passing big, laughing, taking photos and meeting nice people!
Give thanks largely to Cristina Gonzalez and of course Andy Torres (Stylescrapbook) to tell me and Chiara Ferragni (TheblondeSalad) for link in your blog and for being so adorable, hope you enjoy the pictures!
Special thanks to Cristina Gonzalez and Specially to Andy Torres (Stylescrapbook) for trust in me and shared Chiara Ferragni for my link in her blog and Be so cute, I hope you like the pictures!
and to vote your favorite look you have to enter here: - Suerte chicas!
If you want to vote your favorite look you can do it here: – Good luck girls!
Our delicious brunch
I couldn’t resist to create my Mango look
Cris and I, she is lovely <3
Andy Torres and I
I love Polaroids
Maite from MAC, she is a make-up artist!
Wi-fi Zone
My look of the day. Wearing vintage leather jacket, Zara dress, Miu Miu bag, Parfois Necklace and Friis&Co booties.
Time to laugh
Webcam rules
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Yugioh Remove From Play Monarch Deck
Glyphosate: the curse
Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, Julian Dominguez Julio De Vido and the National Government as a whole, as well as daily Magnetto Noble and conceal the occurrence of cancer, infertility and birth defects related to glyphosate, and came to manipulate scientific studies against the use of Monsanto's agrochemicals, as well as hide vital information. Marketing Government to blame only the Nation (Bartolomé Mitre) or Clarín by promoting it, the actual role and business Expoagro Kirchner. Scientific studies supported by the law in various countries, including the United States, certify the toxicity of Monsanto's Roundup Ready (glyphosate), noting the serious damage that this chemical with genetically modified crops and terminator seed cause not only human beings but also the environment. Gilles-Eric Séralini, professor of molecular biology at the University of Caen and president of the Independent Scientific Research on Genetic Engineering (CRIIGEN) a leading researcher on the risks of GM showed, for example, to the scientific community and the law hepatorenal toxicity is the cause of the pesticides designed specifically for each transgenic cereal. Added to this are observed metabolic consequences caused directly or indirectly, for which genetic modification can not be excluded. Cancer, infertility, abortions, birth defects in humans and animals.
Marie Monique Robin also a science writer and researcher, author of The World According to Monsanto and the recent book "Our daily poison, "provided sufficient evidence to ensure that Monsanto is destroying the global biodiversity and human health not only but of all species on Earth. Paralysis and other neurological conditions, as well as lethal mutations in the intestinal flora and reproductive problems are other consequences caused Monsanto products such as glyphosate or DDT.
However, Argentina was a pioneer in Latin America to use Monsanto products, and consumption of glyphosate are rapidly: In 1991 we used only 1 million liters, and for 2009 the amount increased, almost reaching the 200 million. This means 8.5% of world production, either by the use of harmful products of Monsanto and Cargill etc, and the use of glyphosate, GM crops and terminator seed continues to grow.
Time The Argentine government newspaper, shows a half-truth, which is a whole lie.
In today's edition explains that there is a wide "range" of NGOs, experts, victims of the spraying and some part of the national political spectrum denounced as most obvious reason to explain "this phenomenon" the incredible amount of agricultural producers whose interests fit the name "soy model, where mistakenly believe that glyphosate should be an absolute necessity for higher returns (on which there is no scientific evidence) and on the scene giant transnational media corporations loyal to these companies and entrepreneurs, "politicians of different extracts and senior officials public, many of them interrelated. " Kirchner
The newspaper El Argentino advised to observe a false and untruthful picture that omits information to corroborate the foregoing saying "see those who defend it," where "those who defend" is a colorful column on the right end of the second page its article.
The Argentine attributed to these reasons that in Argentina there is no responsible legislation, despite the alarming scientific findings on the toxicity of the products of Monsanto and other competitors, to regulate or prohibit, as they do in Europe, the use of these agrochemicals or agrichemicals. However the sole responsibility that there is even the slightest control by the Government, nor serious about health studies, corresponds to the time Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, who gets along very well with 4% of landowners holding 64% of transgenic soybean crops in Argentina and carcinogenic. These mega landowners Friends of power and are not mentioned by El Argentino are Cresud (CRES) of the Einstein Group, George Soros Adecoagro (Promoter of the decriminalization of drugs globally, and linked to the global movement to "solve the problem of overcrowding" . soybean Sell cancer, funded vaccination campaigns and promotes drug lethal drugs), Landowner LIAG Australian Grobocopatel.
The financial model of transgenic crops with Monsanto products mobilizes millions of dollars annually while corrupts and pollutes the environment hundreds of stocks. Note that it has never been proven scientifically that Monsanto products truly benefit agricultural production and instead if it was corroborated that may cause economic havoc.
Soy is not the ideal food for the future but an invention of marketing at Monsanto led by large financial groups who seek to cause a decrease in global population by inducing cancer and infertility, as they do exactly the same investors ( eg, Rockefeller, Soros, Bill Gates) with vaccination campaigns, where the drugs produce side effects similar to those of glyphosate. By the way, the chemical destroys the bees responsible for pollination and the quality of air we breathe. By contrast, Science has determined that Amaranth, considered by the farmers ignorant "a weed" is the most nutritious cereal in the world, cure cancer and help prevent many diseases. For the cultivation of amaranth are not required Monsanto products, and that's easily expanded as a "plague." It was used by NASA for astronauts for its unique properties (vitamins and protein) and was also the only plant to germinate in space, that among other advantages possessed by the Amaranth.
Additional Data: The Amaranth was sacred to the Incas, Mayas and Aztecs, for its healing and nutritional qualities.
Ignoring the friends of Government: Cresud (CRES) of the Einstein Group, Adecoagro of George Soros, Australian Landowner LIAG Grobocopatel own 60% of GM crops in Argentina, the government newspaper El Argentino mentions Leon, in the province of Chaco, one of the examples of transgenic business and use of pesticides. "There, one of the few officers who were in the country certified in the last 10 years, cases of cancer in children and tripled birth defects increased 400%." According to the newspaper Kirchner, the study was conducted by professional State agencies, but paradoxically, the Chaco government rejected the findings as a result of the strong interests that exist in the province linked to the business of soybean and glyphosate.
GM soya arrived in Argentina in 1996, with the help of then Agriculture Secretary Carlos Saul Menem, Felipe Solá. Our country was the second after the U.S. (Monsanto Headquarters), to give free rein to his approval, full of irregularities. In addition, a number of administrative procedures and analysis required by environmental agencies fell on deaf ears. The whole procedure was Monsanto's shadow: the administrative record was written in English and never translated. Had 136 pages but 108 were from reports by the U.S. multinational.
"If there is one country where the multinational has been able to do whatever he pleased without any obstacle, that is Argentina, described the French journalist Marie-Monique Robin, in a chapter of his famous book" The World According to Monsanto. "
Monsanto is the largest corporation in the market of genetically modified terminator seeds are are used only once, ie farmers can not use seeds from one harvest to terminator seeds, because are inert and also according to a strict contract with Monsanto, for each planting must buy new seeds. These grains were designed to resist Roundup Ready (glyphosate-based agrochemicals, also from Monsanto).
But the American company also produces Bovine Growth Hormone, which causes mastitis in dairy cows in Argentina, inflaming them and causing udder terrible pain. Animals bleed and pus fired. Monsanto's excuse is that this cow will give 20% more milk when there is no shortage of food. The tainted milk is bombarded with antibiotics and coloring, and finally causes prostate cancer and breasts in human consumers.
In 2006 soy sought more than 7000 million dollars in profits. The arrival in Argentina had the backing of officials, politicians and major media groups. Accompanying
Sola, Hector Huerta, a relative of Ernestina Herrera de Noble and current director of the supplement and Clarín Rural canal was one of the promoters of Monsanto products, among which is the Roundup Ready (glyphosate) GM soy and GM crops. Huerta was in charge of the National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA) from February to November of 1994, having been appointed for the function by the Secretary of Agriculture Menem.
At that time, the woman named Silvia Huerta Mercado, worked as an agent Solá press. According to statements
agricultural engineer and historian, Alberto Lapolla Argentine Time: Huergo destroyed at INTA. Without moral qualms to unleash the business of Monsanto's genetically modified crops, designed specifically for the use of glyphosate, the trade pact was made with Monsanto and Nidera. Huerta also allowed access to confidential records of the institution. Those who opposed his infamous actions were driven from the INTA quickly.
"Today, Huerta has become the biggest booster and friend of transgenic soya and Roundup Ready (glyphosate) in our country," said Laporte.
Alberto Huerta knows who is and who shared their student days went together to the University of Buenos Aires and at the same faculty (Agronomy).
Linking Clarín and corporations that produce and market biotech products for agriculture (highly damaging to human health and the environment) is rude and fully verifiable: You yourself can see that the extra editions of the famous media group Rural communication Argentina's most powerful propaganda is infested with Monsanto, Cargill, Syngenta, Nidera, BASF, Bayer, etc.
These companies claim succulent disastrous advertising revenue to Clarin, which keeps piling unscrupulous money while indirectly supports producers themselves that the National Government: Cresud (CRES) of the Einstein Group, Adecoagro of George Soros, Australian and Grobocopatel LIAG Landowner. Another coincidence
Clarín, La Nación, and even the kirchnerismo Profile is to support questionable vaccines worldwide for its adverse effects, which cause the same effects as Monsanto products: Cancer sterility, brain tumors, abortions, birth, etc. With funding, this time from a corrupt World Health Organization and the pharmaceutical mafia.
In June 2008, Clarín Rural realized a note entitled "Environment, seeds and quality of life" which lavished praise on the "commitment" of U.S. multinational "aimed to help increase global food production view of growing demand (...) constantly putting focus on environmental care. "
supplementation led by Huerta, ignored the complaints related to the effects of agrochemicals health. Chaco, Santa Fe, Santiago del Estero and its daily tragedies are not listed on their pages, poisoning and diseases associated with intensive use of agrochemicals are not expressions of Indian National Peasant Movement, which speaks of "health disaster", or the environmental Rural Reflection Group, Jorge Rulli, which gives the "soy model" a "covert genocide." All notes regarding use of the herbicide reflect the views of multimedia deal with this threat. In September 2009, "A boost for glyphosate," says a report by experts from CONICET concluded that "used responsibly, the product poses no risks to human health, "but omits to say that Clarín CONICET scientists stressed that" in Argentina there are insufficient data on the effects of glyphosate on human health, so it would be important to promote the realization of relevant studies. "
Dr. Andrés Carrasco, who worked for nearly 30 years in embryonic development and chaired the CONICET, made in 2009 an investigation which found that glyphosate produces neural malformations, intestinal and heart, even at doses far below those used in the Argentine countryside. "Glyphosate is a poison, although some want to get that nickname and say it is a chemical. It is a poison because it kills weeds. " The report fell ill and two lawyers CASAFE (Chamber of Agricultural Health and Fertilizers, which brings together suppliers of agrochemicals) threatened its employees and entered his lab. He was also a victim of political pressure and put into question the existence of their research.
The Nation, in line with historical Sociedad Rural Argentina referred to the work of the researcher as "a study of alleged scientific validity." A day later, the article "At the risk of returning to the past", noted the "concern in agriculture because of the possibility of banning or suspending the use of glyphosate, one of the pillars that support domestic production, "which would" bring serious consequences. " In those days, the Association of Environmental Law in Argentina had submitted an environmental protection before the Supreme Court of the Nation, based on research Carrasco, to suspend the spraying of glyphosate.
Rodolfo Rossi, ACSOJA said at the time to stop the use of glyphosate would be "like banning the aspirin." But despite the disqualification of the media he was the victim, investigating Carrasco was revised and published in August 2010 for the international journal Chemical Research in Toxicology, which finally gave scientific backing.
stubborn defense of the two major Argentine newspapers explained in part in organizing the annual Expoagro, which are performed each year profitable business related to genetically engineered products and various chemicals. In 2007, for example, the exhibition showed sales totaling 140 million dollars. In this year, Eduardo Duhalde, Geronimo Venegas, Mauricio Macri, Francisco de Narvaez and Jose Antonio Aranda, vice president of Grupo Clarin, were present.
Beyond the complicity between multinational and multi-media, state responsibility is inescapable. The use of glyphosate increased 200 times in the past 18 years, yet there is no uniform national law governing the application or the return to square one. Is that the state collects a significant amount of money through deductions fixing soybean producers beyond that speak ill of "weed."
Graciela Gómez, Santa Fe lawyer and environmentalist, he had explained to BWN each province and in turn, each municipality legislates in their way, with the loophole that this represents. The initiative of the national deputy Julia Perié, the Front for Victory, which calls for "a total ban on the marketing, use and application of glyphosate for its acute toxicity," came to Congress in August 2009. The Cecilia Merchán, Member of interblock South Project, which seeks to ban aerial spraying of pesticides throughout the country, along with his colleague, sleep the sleep of the righteous in the parliament.
What omitted
El Argentino
During the government of Nestor, and backed by the hypocrite who is now conference Pino Solanas environmental documentary, but do not hesitate to be photographed next to the Liaison Bureau to provide its support to the field against the public support to the agricultural sector in the case of withholdings, Kirchner ran over to small farmers. Macri and Duhalde also posed by the Liaison Committee for photos of the day.
Interestingly, not long ago, the then presidential couple had made long speeches denouncing the dangers of glyphosate and transgenic soybeans also designed to resist Monsanto's Roundup Ready herbicide Monsanto also more .. (It also happens that the corporation incurs a dirty strategies as terminator seeds mixed with common seed producers cheat well for them later trials patents). Clarín
But was not the only one who found the tasty benefits that may give an alliance with Monsanto. And after repeated criticism of the "weed", Kirchner hoisted the banner of "Technology and Productive Innovation of Argentina" contradicting to praise transgenic soybeans.
The Baldwin often forget the care of the environment: The veto of the Law on Protection of glaciers, cyanide Barrick, Uranium, Carbon, ENDESA, Botnia etc.
(Pictured Nestor Carlos Kirchner negotiating with Grobocopatel)
Glyphosate: Various unveiled scientific studies on toxicity effects in all standard categories of toxicological testing laboratory in most of the doses tested: subacute toxicity (salivary gland lesions), chronic toxicity (inflamed stomach), genetic damage (in human blood cells) , reproductive disorders (decreased sperm count in rats increased the frequency of abnormal sperm in rabbits), and carcinogenicity (increased frequency of liver tumors in male rats and thyroid cancer in females) . It can be seen the gesture of joy and the face of former president Nestor Carlos Kirchner. George Soros
businesses with Kirchner and his ambition to lessen the global overpopulation based drug and poison.
(photo George Soros)
level eco-toxic-epidemic, the problem is compounded because there are few chemical research centers and laboratories in the world who have the required equipment and techniques required to assess impacts of these herbicides on human health and the environment.
may not yet have understood you have to see George Soros (leading advocate of the decriminalization of drugs in our country and who bribed the congress for that purpose, with Monsanto and GMOs. I kept reading.)
Bush and his dealings with Monsanto
conflict as well as per system which made the top U.S. official toxicology studies required for registration and approval of Roundup Ready, were processed legally for the crime of fraudulent practices such as routine data falsification and omission of reports on countless deaths of rats and guinea pigs, studies counterfeit notes by altering laboratory records and manual handling of scientific equipment for it to deliver results false. This sad fact indicated that information regarding the residual concentration of glyphosate in food and the environment could not only be unreliable, it is also extremely "poor." Read more
is to say that the United States were evacuated entire populations and for transgenic contamination of Monsanto herbicides, due to brain tumors in children 8 years old, cancer and other misfortunes.
However, Kirchner stressed that "the use of this chemical does not lead to problems." Why Nestor and Cristina Kirchner endorsed the genocide?
Diego Ignacio
BWN Patagonia Mur
Why Cristina Fernandez, Clarin and La Nacion support the use of glyphosate in Argentina

However, Argentina was a pioneer in Latin America to use Monsanto products, and consumption of glyphosate are rapidly: In 1991 we used only 1 million liters, and for 2009 the amount increased, almost reaching the 200 million. This means 8.5% of world production, either by the use of harmful products of Monsanto and Cargill etc, and the use of glyphosate, GM crops and terminator seed continues to grow.
Time The Argentine government newspaper, shows a half-truth, which is a whole lie.
In today's edition explains that there is a wide "range" of NGOs, experts, victims of the spraying and some part of the national political spectrum denounced as most obvious reason to explain "this phenomenon" the incredible amount of agricultural producers whose interests fit the name "soy model, where mistakenly believe that glyphosate should be an absolute necessity for higher returns (on which there is no scientific evidence) and on the scene giant transnational media corporations loyal to these companies and entrepreneurs, "politicians of different extracts and senior officials public, many of them interrelated. " Kirchner
The newspaper El Argentino advised to observe a false and untruthful picture that omits information to corroborate the foregoing saying "see those who defend it," where "those who defend" is a colorful column on the right end of the second page its article.
The Argentine attributed to these reasons that in Argentina there is no responsible legislation, despite the alarming scientific findings on the toxicity of the products of Monsanto and other competitors, to regulate or prohibit, as they do in Europe, the use of these agrochemicals or agrichemicals. However the sole responsibility that there is even the slightest control by the Government, nor serious about health studies, corresponds to the time Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, who gets along very well with 4% of landowners holding 64% of transgenic soybean crops in Argentina and carcinogenic. These mega landowners Friends of power and are not mentioned by El Argentino are Cresud (CRES) of the Einstein Group, George Soros Adecoagro (Promoter of the decriminalization of drugs globally, and linked to the global movement to "solve the problem of overcrowding" . soybean Sell cancer, funded vaccination campaigns and promotes drug lethal drugs), Landowner LIAG Australian Grobocopatel.
The financial model of transgenic crops with Monsanto products mobilizes millions of dollars annually while corrupts and pollutes the environment hundreds of stocks. Note that it has never been proven scientifically that Monsanto products truly benefit agricultural production and instead if it was corroborated that may cause economic havoc.
Soy is not the ideal food for the future but an invention of marketing at Monsanto led by large financial groups who seek to cause a decrease in global population by inducing cancer and infertility, as they do exactly the same investors ( eg, Rockefeller, Soros, Bill Gates) with vaccination campaigns, where the drugs produce side effects similar to those of glyphosate. By the way, the chemical destroys the bees responsible for pollination and the quality of air we breathe. By contrast, Science has determined that Amaranth, considered by the farmers ignorant "a weed" is the most nutritious cereal in the world, cure cancer and help prevent many diseases. For the cultivation of amaranth are not required Monsanto products, and that's easily expanded as a "plague." It was used by NASA for astronauts for its unique properties (vitamins and protein) and was also the only plant to germinate in space, that among other advantages possessed by the Amaranth.
Additional Data: The Amaranth was sacred to the Incas, Mayas and Aztecs, for its healing and nutritional qualities.
Ignoring the friends of Government: Cresud (CRES) of the Einstein Group, Adecoagro of George Soros, Australian Landowner LIAG Grobocopatel own 60% of GM crops in Argentina, the government newspaper El Argentino mentions Leon, in the province of Chaco, one of the examples of transgenic business and use of pesticides. "There, one of the few officers who were in the country certified in the last 10 years, cases of cancer in children and tripled birth defects increased 400%." According to the newspaper Kirchner, the study was conducted by professional State agencies, but paradoxically, the Chaco government rejected the findings as a result of the strong interests that exist in the province linked to the business of soybean and glyphosate.
GM soya arrived in Argentina in 1996, with the help of then Agriculture Secretary Carlos Saul Menem, Felipe Solá. Our country was the second after the U.S. (Monsanto Headquarters), to give free rein to his approval, full of irregularities. In addition, a number of administrative procedures and analysis required by environmental agencies fell on deaf ears. The whole procedure was Monsanto's shadow: the administrative record was written in English and never translated. Had 136 pages but 108 were from reports by the U.S. multinational.
"If there is one country where the multinational has been able to do whatever he pleased without any obstacle, that is Argentina, described the French journalist Marie-Monique Robin, in a chapter of his famous book" The World According to Monsanto. "
Monsanto is the largest corporation in the market of genetically modified terminator seeds are are used only once, ie farmers can not use seeds from one harvest to terminator seeds, because are inert and also according to a strict contract with Monsanto, for each planting must buy new seeds. These grains were designed to resist Roundup Ready (glyphosate-based agrochemicals, also from Monsanto).
But the American company also produces Bovine Growth Hormone, which causes mastitis in dairy cows in Argentina, inflaming them and causing udder terrible pain. Animals bleed and pus fired. Monsanto's excuse is that this cow will give 20% more milk when there is no shortage of food. The tainted milk is bombarded with antibiotics and coloring, and finally causes prostate cancer and breasts in human consumers.
In 2006 soy sought more than 7000 million dollars in profits. The arrival in Argentina had the backing of officials, politicians and major media groups. Accompanying
Sola, Hector Huerta, a relative of Ernestina Herrera de Noble and current director of the supplement and Clarín Rural canal was one of the promoters of Monsanto products, among which is the Roundup Ready (glyphosate) GM soy and GM crops. Huerta was in charge of the National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA) from February to November of 1994, having been appointed for the function by the Secretary of Agriculture Menem.
At that time, the woman named Silvia Huerta Mercado, worked as an agent Solá press. According to statements
agricultural engineer and historian, Alberto Lapolla Argentine Time: Huergo destroyed at INTA. Without moral qualms to unleash the business of Monsanto's genetically modified crops, designed specifically for the use of glyphosate, the trade pact was made with Monsanto and Nidera. Huerta also allowed access to confidential records of the institution. Those who opposed his infamous actions were driven from the INTA quickly.
"Today, Huerta has become the biggest booster and friend of transgenic soya and Roundup Ready (glyphosate) in our country," said Laporte.
Alberto Huerta knows who is and who shared their student days went together to the University of Buenos Aires and at the same faculty (Agronomy).
Linking Clarín and corporations that produce and market biotech products for agriculture (highly damaging to human health and the environment) is rude and fully verifiable: You yourself can see that the extra editions of the famous media group Rural communication Argentina's most powerful propaganda is infested with Monsanto, Cargill, Syngenta, Nidera, BASF, Bayer, etc.
These companies claim succulent disastrous advertising revenue to Clarin, which keeps piling unscrupulous money while indirectly supports producers themselves that the National Government: Cresud (CRES) of the Einstein Group, Adecoagro of George Soros, Australian and Grobocopatel LIAG Landowner. Another coincidence
Clarín, La Nación, and even the kirchnerismo Profile is to support questionable vaccines worldwide for its adverse effects, which cause the same effects as Monsanto products: Cancer sterility, brain tumors, abortions, birth, etc. With funding, this time from a corrupt World Health Organization and the pharmaceutical mafia.
In June 2008, Clarín Rural realized a note entitled "Environment, seeds and quality of life" which lavished praise on the "commitment" of U.S. multinational "aimed to help increase global food production view of growing demand (...) constantly putting focus on environmental care. "
supplementation led by Huerta, ignored the complaints related to the effects of agrochemicals health. Chaco, Santa Fe, Santiago del Estero and its daily tragedies are not listed on their pages, poisoning and diseases associated with intensive use of agrochemicals are not expressions of Indian National Peasant Movement, which speaks of "health disaster", or the environmental Rural Reflection Group, Jorge Rulli, which gives the "soy model" a "covert genocide." All notes regarding use of the herbicide reflect the views of multimedia deal with this threat. In September 2009, "A boost for glyphosate," says a report by experts from CONICET concluded that "used responsibly, the product poses no risks to human health, "but omits to say that Clarín CONICET scientists stressed that" in Argentina there are insufficient data on the effects of glyphosate on human health, so it would be important to promote the realization of relevant studies. "
Dr. Andrés Carrasco, who worked for nearly 30 years in embryonic development and chaired the CONICET, made in 2009 an investigation which found that glyphosate produces neural malformations, intestinal and heart, even at doses far below those used in the Argentine countryside. "Glyphosate is a poison, although some want to get that nickname and say it is a chemical. It is a poison because it kills weeds. " The report fell ill and two lawyers CASAFE (Chamber of Agricultural Health and Fertilizers, which brings together suppliers of agrochemicals) threatened its employees and entered his lab. He was also a victim of political pressure and put into question the existence of their research.
The Nation, in line with historical Sociedad Rural Argentina referred to the work of the researcher as "a study of alleged scientific validity." A day later, the article "At the risk of returning to the past", noted the "concern in agriculture because of the possibility of banning or suspending the use of glyphosate, one of the pillars that support domestic production, "which would" bring serious consequences. " In those days, the Association of Environmental Law in Argentina had submitted an environmental protection before the Supreme Court of the Nation, based on research Carrasco, to suspend the spraying of glyphosate.
Rodolfo Rossi, ACSOJA said at the time to stop the use of glyphosate would be "like banning the aspirin." But despite the disqualification of the media he was the victim, investigating Carrasco was revised and published in August 2010 for the international journal Chemical Research in Toxicology, which finally gave scientific backing.
stubborn defense of the two major Argentine newspapers explained in part in organizing the annual Expoagro, which are performed each year profitable business related to genetically engineered products and various chemicals. In 2007, for example, the exhibition showed sales totaling 140 million dollars. In this year, Eduardo Duhalde, Geronimo Venegas, Mauricio Macri, Francisco de Narvaez and Jose Antonio Aranda, vice president of Grupo Clarin, were present.
Beyond the complicity between multinational and multi-media, state responsibility is inescapable. The use of glyphosate increased 200 times in the past 18 years, yet there is no uniform national law governing the application or the return to square one. Is that the state collects a significant amount of money through deductions fixing soybean producers beyond that speak ill of "weed."
Graciela Gómez, Santa Fe lawyer and environmentalist, he had explained to BWN each province and in turn, each municipality legislates in their way, with the loophole that this represents. The initiative of the national deputy Julia Perié, the Front for Victory, which calls for "a total ban on the marketing, use and application of glyphosate for its acute toxicity," came to Congress in August 2009. The Cecilia Merchán, Member of interblock South Project, which seeks to ban aerial spraying of pesticides throughout the country, along with his colleague, sleep the sleep of the righteous in the parliament.
What omitted
El Argentino
During the government of Nestor, and backed by the hypocrite who is now conference Pino Solanas environmental documentary, but do not hesitate to be photographed next to the Liaison Bureau to provide its support to the field against the public support to the agricultural sector in the case of withholdings, Kirchner ran over to small farmers. Macri and Duhalde also posed by the Liaison Committee for photos of the day.
Interestingly, not long ago, the then presidential couple had made long speeches denouncing the dangers of glyphosate and transgenic soybeans also designed to resist Monsanto's Roundup Ready herbicide Monsanto also more .. (It also happens that the corporation incurs a dirty strategies as terminator seeds mixed with common seed producers cheat well for them later trials patents). Clarín
But was not the only one who found the tasty benefits that may give an alliance with Monsanto. And after repeated criticism of the "weed", Kirchner hoisted the banner of "Technology and Productive Innovation of Argentina" contradicting to praise transgenic soybeans.
The Baldwin often forget the care of the environment: The veto of the Law on Protection of glaciers, cyanide Barrick, Uranium, Carbon, ENDESA, Botnia etc.
Glyphosate: Various unveiled scientific studies on toxicity effects in all standard categories of toxicological testing laboratory in most of the doses tested: subacute toxicity (salivary gland lesions), chronic toxicity (inflamed stomach), genetic damage (in human blood cells) , reproductive disorders (decreased sperm count in rats increased the frequency of abnormal sperm in rabbits), and carcinogenicity (increased frequency of liver tumors in male rats and thyroid cancer in females) . It can be seen the gesture of joy and the face of former president Nestor Carlos Kirchner. George Soros
businesses with Kirchner and his ambition to lessen the global overpopulation based drug and poison.
level eco-toxic-epidemic, the problem is compounded because there are few chemical research centers and laboratories in the world who have the required equipment and techniques required to assess impacts of these herbicides on human health and the environment.
may not yet have understood you have to see George Soros (leading advocate of the decriminalization of drugs in our country and who bribed the congress for that purpose, with Monsanto and GMOs. I kept reading.)
Bush and his dealings with Monsanto
conflict as well as per system which made the top U.S. official toxicology studies required for registration and approval of Roundup Ready, were processed legally for the crime of fraudulent practices such as routine data falsification and omission of reports on countless deaths of rats and guinea pigs, studies counterfeit notes by altering laboratory records and manual handling of scientific equipment for it to deliver results false. This sad fact indicated that information regarding the residual concentration of glyphosate in food and the environment could not only be unreliable, it is also extremely "poor." Read more
is to say that the United States were evacuated entire populations and for transgenic contamination of Monsanto herbicides, due to brain tumors in children 8 years old, cancer and other misfortunes.
However, Kirchner stressed that "the use of this chemical does not lead to problems." Why Nestor and Cristina Kirchner endorsed the genocide?
Diego Ignacio
BWN Patagonia Mur
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