Time passes. Hello again. Today, yesterday and for you when you read this column, is one of those days when you realize that time passes for everyone. Whether you're a middle-aged in his twenties, you're jet pilot or dedicate yourself to anything else, you fall or finish on the podium, you try or keep. I say this because I turned 22 years just a day after the race at Jerez. Seven years ago my debut at the World Cup right in this circuit, and the passage of time helps me to learn to be enjoy every moment as much as possible, whether good or bad. With the latter you have to do is to forget as quickly as possible and learn from them. We only have one life. Not worth torturing and yes analyze the reasons that happens that does not suit us. I have had ups and downs throughout my career, so I know what I mean. Before taking too long to overcome the bumps and easily depressed me, but now I move on quickly.
Mea culpa. The drop in Sunday's race was my mistake and do not look for excuses. Anything that is not the tires or the track was warmer, because if I had been more rapid from the outset there would have to risk so much in the end. Do not know what I'd do if the race is repeated now, but yes I have it clear that Stoner was a trap for me and also risked more than necessary. The good to be learning to relax and control my mind so that my feelings have cooled now and I knew better control over the rage that gives such a drop ...
The Fan Club. had long asked me to have a fan club and this weekend has been released on 'Jorge Lorenzo Official Fan Club'. There were other pilots who were in categories below to MotoGP and did and I still do not. Has complied with the official opening of one of the dreams of my career and I've waited so long because I wanted to do well. I like people wearing it. Let's give him time to see how it goes. It was exciting to see the departure of the 3,000 flags Peluqui had Lorenzo's Land, the six giants, and the banners put up to double mine who encouraged people who filled the circuit. Touched my heart.
The classic. The only positive weekend for me is the FC Barcelona 2-6 Real Madrid. We finally saw the truth about the field and it was clear who the better team this year. Sorry by the Madrid fans, but you can not always win. There was a friend who told me that they won because we did not play Guti ... We must learn to recognize the superiority of the rival and that is something that also applies to me.
In the Homer Simpson. This year I have included in the back of my helmet and the dome of the bike my particular view of 'Evolution of Species transferred to me. I was inspired by an episode of the Simpsons where Homer evolved from a monkey to be strong bent espanzurrado living on the couch with a beer in hand. By this I mean that we can not be carried away by the amenities and you have to be always in shape. I recommend it.
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