Friday, June 12, 2009

Swollen Cervix Period


Hi all,
we finished the first practice of the Gran Premi de Catalunya and I want to express how happy I am to be able to offer a small tribute to my beloved club, the Football Club Barcelona. I have received hundreds of emails both pro-most-or against. As for the second write these lines.
For me it is an honor and a privilege even the opportunity to have this small detail in a year like this, where the team has won a historic treble and I could live what is the final of the Champions League . I was also in Paris, but Rome has been the best! What made me vibrate there has no name. And that they know both the Catalans as a classic meringues living or finals of a tournament.
I am one, a normal guy, a person with taste and all, with a way of life that leads him not to renege on anything or anyone. Montmelo race is a way round this circle. Three days with our fans, with the warmth of my Fan Club and enjoy the illusion, to forget what happened to me last year, which ended up in hospital several days. I hope you understand and that will not change, like me.
of your pilot, JL.


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