Thursday, October 29, 2009

Pokemon Revolution Rom Wii


For the first time in fifteen years, an official voice and associate of mine, SEGEMAR also recognizes the presence of dozens of minerals that carries the slurry pipeline, silenced jealously information to citizens and to the AFIP, at the time of export. Among them, the existence of uranium and thorium, both radioactive, high grade. Submitted by Roberto

from Catamarca:

From Andalgalá sent you the following information that has a special relevance to our struggle against the opencast mining done in our Department of Minera La Alumbrera.

has recently been known a

Expert Technical Report on the state of the ecosystem in the Rio Vis Vis, Bajo La Alumbrera complex, and the towns of Vis Vis, Andalgalá Amanae and produced in August 2008 by the SEGEMAR (Geological Survey National Mining) which is the technical arm of the Secretary of Mining Jorge Mayoral, ordered by the Federal Court of Catamarca, in the context of a complaint against mining pollution, formulated in 2004 by the House and Flores families who have fled their properties located on the banks of the River, two below the dam kilómentros tail.
Report of yore still held by the Judge and Attorney's Catamarca more than a year, but were known at the time new measures of a part of judicial officers.

SEGEMAR This report is intended for harmless to Minera Alumbrera of polluting activity, that is their main objective. Is incomplete, false and biased by where you look. However, technicians and Herrero Ferpozzi signatories could not hide the chemical composition of sediments in the lower basin of the river Vis Vis, as they have been laboratory records they provide technical assistance.

"to evaluate the situation in August-noviembre 2007 in the lower basin and respect from the baseline, the current fluvial sediments of the river Cauca Vis Vis, are enriched in Ag (silver), Al (aluminum ), As (arsenic), Au (Gold), Ba (barium), Be (beryllium, Bi (bismuth), Br (Bromine), Ca (calcium). Cs (cesium), Cu (copper), Dy (dysprosium) , Er (erbium), Ga (gallium), Gd (gadolinium), Ho (holmium), Lu (Lutetia), Mg (magnesium), Mo (molybdenum), Na (sodium), Nb (niobium), Pb (lead) , Pr (praseodymium), S (sulfur), Sb (antimony), Sr (Strontium) Ta (tantalum), Ti (titanium), Tl (thallium), V (vanadium), W (tungsten), Zn (zinc), Zr (zirconium), The association of alkaline elements, rare earths, U (Uranium) and Th (thorium), high grade, is derived from the silicate mineral acid composition rocks (granite Bethlehem) and metallic elements (Au, Ag, Cu, Mo) mineralization typical of porphyry copper and metal sulfides hydrothermal that accompany it. "
In the preceding paragraph, the Report says that the upper and middle basin of the river Vis Vis, however, the current fluvial sediments are" impoverished "(lowest concentration in baseline). How is that, suddenly, from nowhere, from the technicians called "baseline" appear a lot of minerals that are not in the bed or river sediments upstream?

Chances are that in recent years, the slurry pipeline has broken one or more times and the clay mineral dump on the lower reaches of the river, and that these episodes are not known by the permanent action of hiding information incurred Alumbera mining. The circumstances are irrelevant, what matters is the recognition of the presence of these heavy metals or radioactive, which could not but leave the other side of the mine.
For the first time in fifteen years, an official voice and associate of mine, SEGEMAR also recognizes the presence of dozens of minerals that carries the slurry pipeline, silenced jealously information to citizens and to the AFIP, at the time of export. Among them, the existence of uranium and thorium, both radioactive, high grade. The uranium, among other pollutants, it contain the spread of dust explosions in the mine, which continues to cover the nearby valleys, Andalgalá and Bethlehem and other towns. Uranium is also what is polluting the province of Tucumán, in the whole basin of Sali-Dulce river. And also what is left Dam in the tail, which is going to surface waters down by the river when the Minera Vis Vis go, for lack of treatment to prevent the pH rises in its waters. radioactive contamination and is aggravated by the accumulation process. Each day that passes is added to soil, surface water and groundwater, and are dispersed in the air, huge amounts of natural uranium, as well as thorium, cesium, strontium, lead, arsenic, etc which will contaminate thousands of years the entire region. U

ne thing is uranium or other metals in natural state as Paulato moved for five million years by the action of natural agents something quite different, in just fifteen years, those metals removed explosions starting a violent process of accumulation of radioactive contamination. MAJOR CONCENTRATION DOES YOUR EXTREMELY DANGEROUS TO THE LIVES OF PEOPLE, ANIMALS AND PLANTS IN THE PRESENCE OF WATER LOGGING AND FOOD.

Uranium and its isotopes is what produces the large number of illnesses and cancer deaths.

Then the lives of people near the mine in the province of Catamarca and Tucumán by slurry pipeline, depends on luck, do not inhale or swallow the microparticles of uranium and other mineral contaminants.

But the defeat does not end there. Suspiciously no national law provides for penalties for those contaminated with radioactive materials or residues. Therefore, IN THE COUNTRY, THERE IS A LEGAL VACUUM AS TO THE ELEMENTS AND RADIOACTIVE WASTE IN ITS EFFECTS ON THE ENVIRONMENT AND HUMAN HEALTH.

Andalgalá will disappear if left to itself, especially considering that the Agua Rica mine, three times bigger, has the same mineral composition La Alumbrera.

Planta de proecesmiento de mienral de La Alumbrera


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