paralyzed Dirty water
Friday, November 27, 2009
Step By Step How To Materbate
The turbidity of the water prevented adequate

Correspondent La Voz del Interior November 27, 2009
Reservoir. Embalse Nuclear Power Plant due to earlier today out of service because of the turbidity of the lake water that prevented a proper outlet for the cooling system.
Reservoir. Embalse Nuclear Power Plant due to earlier today out of service because of the turbidity of the lake water that prevented a proper outlet for the cooling system.
rains in recent days, exacerbated by the last night, caused suspended solids washed away after several months with almost no rainfall, creates the risk of obstruction from the wall which draws water from the lake to cool the turbines and other parts of the plant.
Central brought to La Voz del Interior which then slowly cleaning the surface of the lake.
stop "was controlled", as stated, and full implementation will require at least a couple of days.
embalseña The plant generates about seven percent of the total energy demand for the country.
Central brought to La Voz del Interior which then slowly cleaning the surface of the lake.
stop "was controlled", as stated, and full implementation will require at least a couple of days.
embalseña The plant generates about seven percent of the total energy demand for the country.
the statement. Due to the climatic situation posed, the Embalse nuclear power plant was decommissioned in the days of the date, time 1:24. This is because the suspended solids produced a blockage in the water supply reservoir, which is used as a source of cooling plant systems. are underway for technical evaluations and tasks necessary to re-enter the National Grid.
became operational again
Embalse nuclear
Central Sources had reported that the outage was due to blockage in the lake water intake dam that created the dirt washed away by rain in recent days.
"The restart was pretty normal, sources said Central.
The generation system is gradually lifting power.
At 10.30 today and was at 85 percent power and would last at noon at 100 percent, to generate 600 megawatts, representing between five and seven percent of the total energy demanded by the country. (DyN)
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Proton Packs Blue Prints
Commentary Charles Chaplin's Modern Times
Esteban Mora Garita
Central American Theological Institute
Esteban Mora Garita
Central American Theological Institute
used in Ancient Greece the term techne to explain the ability, skills, skills can be learned, in short, be understanding something. This is the word that caused the our of "technical" and shares the above meaning, according Blummenberg and Gadamer. The technique involves a system today, a device that enables us to fit into the world of work in the world of production. But this training is more a characterization as the person becomes a title and nothing else, the value depends even purchased the school in which the individual has been formed, as well as a tennis or watch it according to the company that has been made. The technique is all the objects that work around us as artifacts, including other human beings. I dare say that the only difference is that for the Greeks was the man (not women, according to their culture) that had the art, some art, today, by contrast, is the technique that tames the men and women, is the technique which orders and explains face reality, to get into this subject, I should make the link with the film.
In the film "Modern Times" by Charlie Chaplin, one can see very well the impact that caused the industrial revolution in humanity, both in the conception of the world, such as how humans relate. To begin with companies and factories originated a new type of relationship: the employer and employee, when trade relations were once-a few unfavorable business but ultimately, "other relationships that existed, and with sorrow of others, there - are having to do with slavery. But to return to the revolution industrial not only opened the doors to modern times but has made a turn in which human beings are to be people-individuals to be classified as a "place" in a factory, "a card" of employee clocked the input and output, "a number" in the table, or a sub-employee or return there, as many cleaners in factories or in the residences. This reflects very well the movie when comedian Charlie plan runs out of the factory but was returned because it was agreed to be marked on the control card every time he goes as this involves a termination of employment, ie there is no money to pay the Cane employee number "x". And that is precisely the technique gives us an understanding of the world and new technologies, the first set and determined to humanity-hence the technique has ontological depth and the second is the "caramelito" that we will "sweetening" to pass us by the throat, the bitter pill of the technical configuration of the human being.
Another issue I want to play is about the health consequences that come with developing a specific job, for example those working in cash in banks (and all people who have to type all day a keyboard) get to suffer hands syndrome "carpal tunnel" which basically cripples them hand it estirárseles tendons and caused a painful condition since the tendons to swell obstructing the carpal tunnel that "protects the median nerve. The median nerve gives you feeling in the thumb, index, middle and ring fingers. But when other tissues such as ligaments and tendons in the carpal tunnel become swollen or inflamed, they press the median nerve. That pressure can make part of your hand hurt or feel numb. "1 I bring this subject up because the film is noted, always humorous way, problems causing technical advances in the health of the person where the man stops working and his body had spent much time in a particular movement it takes to make that move even when not working. In other words, well we're in the era of mass production in the era of speed and labor efficiency, but bad that we are receiving new illnesses such as shared website:
"... as it is in the work environment where exposure to certain agents is usually more intense and therefore more likely to produce disease. Some examples of this situation are the silicosis, lung disease affecting miners, industry workers and potters from exposure to silica dust, the scrotal cancer in chimney sweeps in conjunction with the soot neurological disorders in the potters for the use of lead-based products or bone disorders in workers industry through the exhibition match to match. Many of these processes captured the attention during the Industrial Revolution in the nineteenth century. "
can not be reduced to the modern man only serves to make things, objects (homo faber), but broadening the view that man is also "homo ludens", it's transcendental, utopian because within this perception of the man who plays it shows eagerness in production without competition, where you get the fun not as product but as a spontaneous result. But as the competitive spirit is characteristic of man is through the technique which gives meaning to modernity, as defined primarily as a manipulable, quantifiable, measurable, controllable, disposable, replaceable, meaning that everything can be organized and planned. Things that are there in the world can be stored, and then apply the "use and throw away", this mentality is as perverse, conveys a very low value to all human activity, is like cutting the amazement and awareness, appreciation and admiration for the work done by others, this too is a step of "desensitization" to art, poetry. Now everything is manufactured easily and is available in the market. This brings me to another point I want to refer.
mass production, very well illustrated in the film when they decide to increase the rate of production on several occasions, is a consequence of the process of modernization, since there are now many opportunities to purchase a product (artifact: any work done with manual a purpose or specific technical function), ie the "use and throw away" is a manifestation of consumerism in which we are involved. This serial production has a dynamic background that is not neutral, but is the product of subjectivity, so he secretly a disguised form of political rule, where "art" is a political ideology. In the text "Science and Technology as Ideology" of Habermas, is presented to it as "technocracy" that gives you control that men seek the forces and facts of nature, human beings need to master to meet their primary needs subsistence and then establishes the empirical-analytic from the technical interest. This imposes a dictatorship consumer comfort and easy: the human being ceases to be reason for technology to be reduced to self-erected on the technocratic society. Which according to Max Weber's theory should be called "rationalization" which leads to a disenchantment of the world:
"technical civilization and scientific and instrumental rationality can be called the rationalization process which leads to disenchantment of the world, ie there are no values, gods, mysteries, magic, no sense of transcendence, because what we are made likely, efficiency results. This process of streamlining the moving forces that are not rational, such as Auschwitz is at the top of the scientific but it is irrational, because behind it was the will of power. "
In the film "Modern Times" by Charlie Chaplin, one can see very well the impact that caused the industrial revolution in humanity, both in the conception of the world, such as how humans relate. To begin with companies and factories originated a new type of relationship: the employer and employee, when trade relations were once-a few unfavorable business but ultimately, "other relationships that existed, and with sorrow of others, there - are having to do with slavery. But to return to the revolution industrial not only opened the doors to modern times but has made a turn in which human beings are to be people-individuals to be classified as a "place" in a factory, "a card" of employee clocked the input and output, "a number" in the table, or a sub-employee or return there, as many cleaners in factories or in the residences. This reflects very well the movie when comedian Charlie plan runs out of the factory but was returned because it was agreed to be marked on the control card every time he goes as this involves a termination of employment, ie there is no money to pay the Cane employee number "x". And that is precisely the technique gives us an understanding of the world and new technologies, the first set and determined to humanity-hence the technique has ontological depth and the second is the "caramelito" that we will "sweetening" to pass us by the throat, the bitter pill of the technical configuration of the human being.
Another issue I want to play is about the health consequences that come with developing a specific job, for example those working in cash in banks (and all people who have to type all day a keyboard) get to suffer hands syndrome "carpal tunnel" which basically cripples them hand it estirárseles tendons and caused a painful condition since the tendons to swell obstructing the carpal tunnel that "protects the median nerve. The median nerve gives you feeling in the thumb, index, middle and ring fingers. But when other tissues such as ligaments and tendons in the carpal tunnel become swollen or inflamed, they press the median nerve. That pressure can make part of your hand hurt or feel numb. "1 I bring this subject up because the film is noted, always humorous way, problems causing technical advances in the health of the person where the man stops working and his body had spent much time in a particular movement it takes to make that move even when not working. In other words, well we're in the era of mass production in the era of speed and labor efficiency, but bad that we are receiving new illnesses such as shared website:
"... as it is in the work environment where exposure to certain agents is usually more intense and therefore more likely to produce disease. Some examples of this situation are the silicosis, lung disease affecting miners, industry workers and potters from exposure to silica dust, the scrotal cancer in chimney sweeps in conjunction with the soot neurological disorders in the potters for the use of lead-based products or bone disorders in workers industry through the exhibition match to match. Many of these processes captured the attention during the Industrial Revolution in the nineteenth century. "
can not be reduced to the modern man only serves to make things, objects (homo faber), but broadening the view that man is also "homo ludens", it's transcendental, utopian because within this perception of the man who plays it shows eagerness in production without competition, where you get the fun not as product but as a spontaneous result. But as the competitive spirit is characteristic of man is through the technique which gives meaning to modernity, as defined primarily as a manipulable, quantifiable, measurable, controllable, disposable, replaceable, meaning that everything can be organized and planned. Things that are there in the world can be stored, and then apply the "use and throw away", this mentality is as perverse, conveys a very low value to all human activity, is like cutting the amazement and awareness, appreciation and admiration for the work done by others, this too is a step of "desensitization" to art, poetry. Now everything is manufactured easily and is available in the market. This brings me to another point I want to refer.
mass production, very well illustrated in the film when they decide to increase the rate of production on several occasions, is a consequence of the process of modernization, since there are now many opportunities to purchase a product (artifact: any work done with manual a purpose or specific technical function), ie the "use and throw away" is a manifestation of consumerism in which we are involved. This serial production has a dynamic background that is not neutral, but is the product of subjectivity, so he secretly a disguised form of political rule, where "art" is a political ideology. In the text "Science and Technology as Ideology" of Habermas, is presented to it as "technocracy" that gives you control that men seek the forces and facts of nature, human beings need to master to meet their primary needs subsistence and then establishes the empirical-analytic from the technical interest. This imposes a dictatorship consumer comfort and easy: the human being ceases to be reason for technology to be reduced to self-erected on the technocratic society. Which according to Max Weber's theory should be called "rationalization" which leads to a disenchantment of the world:
"technical civilization and scientific and instrumental rationality can be called the rationalization process which leads to disenchantment of the world, ie there are no values, gods, mysteries, magic, no sense of transcendence, because what we are made likely, efficiency results. This process of streamlining the moving forces that are not rational, such as Auschwitz is at the top of the scientific but it is irrational, because behind it was the will of power. "
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
How To Get Rid Of The Blocked Nose Voice
Farewell. Toca leave. But first I would like to place on record how impressed I am with the evolution of my image among fans from beginning to end of the year. According to the 'Speed \u200b\u200bGenius', my brand of merchandising, in Spain has matched the sales of my products with Valentino, and he is a beloved pilot here, so this fills me with pride. For me, the fans are very important and a stimulus to work hard. Thanks for your support, your patience to read my lines and up another.
With bleary. I write the column last year in AS still bleary eyes. We went out to celebrate the night's wild card race, but I retired at a reasonable hour because it touches back to ride the bike at one and a half with the new Yamaha. I'm pretty lazy, but you have to do it. First I'll go with the old bike, to get her feelings and make an acceptable time with which to compare myself with the new bike. Is how to know if it better or worse.
the preseason. I imagine that one will be surprised to see us start working on the new season just a day after the previous runs, but it is important to start to work and to be on top soon. Each year the bikes get better and in this first test we will only test a chassis, because the new engine is not ready. The truth is that the case is one of the things that best works of the M1, so I do not know if they will get better. The good thing is that I will have all new material while Valentino Rossi.
Transfers to Honda. Honda is Europeanizing your computer. Has caught Suppo, Ducati, although he is more for marketing issues, two Yamaha electronic technicians, Andrea Zugna and Christian Battaglia, and my telemetry, Carlo Luzzi. It's a bit worrying because Honda is a huge and time without winning, makes very hungry. Surely next year we find it difficult to Yamaha beat them, but we should not complain. The pilots have to go even faster, and our technicians must not lose effectiveness with which it had had before. Yamaha will have to sign a new mail or take any of Japan. I trust my brand.
Limitation of engines. In 2009, from Brno, we had an engine restriction, five for the last seven races, and in 2010 will be even greater, with six full-year, 18 races. I think Honda and Ducati have suffered less than we do with the mileage, because his last more and with the new regulations have not lost power. We, however, yes we've lost something and before that rule because we lacked a wee bit of engine, so this leaves us in a worse situation. For all this, it is essential that work very well with the new Yamaha engine.
Game letters. If we take stock of the year, I have the feeling that, together, we have very bad accustomed to the English fans, because every race weekend are podiums and victories of its pilots. For me to get a MotoGP runner-up is rather large, being the second fastest in the world, and I think that just are not given fair value. For me has so much because, once they could not win the title, I wanted to finish second and beyond. It is also the only position that incorporates the word 'champion', but carry forward a 'sub'. This is important because the third is 'third', no more, and the second is 'runner'. Sounds better.
worst. The hardest time of year for me was the fall of Jerez. While the tournament had started, and suddenly, I saw him lost in the third race. That killed me psychologically. Pisses me off more than when I fell on the appointment of Australia, because there already knew that the title could escape. The good thing Jerez bat is that the next race in Le Mans, suddenly recovered all the lost points because of our hard work and the failure of Rossi.
the future. I recommend you to prepare for the storm of rumors about the future that we'll live. Offers and negotiations will begin sooner than ever. The 'Fantastic Four' as many call us, we ended the contract and that is something that has never lived, and he will do very interesting and fun the transfer market by 2011. Going to be even more changeable than the football. As for 2010 there has been no change cards, I believe that by 2011 there will be other movements of chips. At least one ... Rossi said that he and I can not go together at Yamaha, but for me that would not be a problem.
Farewell. Toca leave. But first I would like to place on record how impressed I am with the evolution of my image among fans from beginning to end of the year. According to the 'Speed \u200b\u200bGenius', my brand of merchandising, in Spain has matched the sales of my products with Valentino, and he is a beloved pilot here, so this fills me with pride. For me, the fans are very important and a stimulus to work hard. Thanks for your support, your patience to read my lines and up another.
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