Marta Diaz is a true poet. Pen is a poet, a poet and a look of superior sensibility that gave very broad powers to write his book Remoteness Needed , comprising more than one hundred poems in literary quality unchallenged. These attributes in most writers would not need to stress, but in the case of this author everything is so "necessary" as the title of his work, recently presented at the Library Gaston Gori. Eleven years ago is deprived of his liberty. The papers in his edition is the result of their participation in the workshop The Flamethrower, coordinated by Fabrizio Simeoni and delivered within the Criminal No. 5 Women of Rosario, where they received exclusively to The Voyeur Digital.
may seem a trivial sentence can not imagine what life inside a prison and being deprived of liberty. In fact, this reporter went through some iron gates to access the author of Remoteness Needed. But Diaz is a case different. Nothing in it seems to be rooted in neglect and the consequences caused by the closure. On the contrary, has a decided character, full of life projects and is an eternal gratitude of the people who helped define their course: the writing workshop colleagues flamethrowers and especially its coordinator.
While talking to The Voyeur Digital is in several places at once. Is hyperactive, coordinated with the prison guard, receive visits and deliveries of pizzas and cakes prepared to sell out of the prison. "From the day I met Fabricio - say - my life changed. In this time he had already released three books and I admired his strength of will, intelligence, and then I thought what could I complain if next to it my confinement was a minor detail. "
A dream come true
The book consists of almost one hundred poems which, although they are drawn from the enclosure, this is not the main focus. Friendship, loneliness and gratitude are some of the themes addressed Díaz like an established writer. And really, as it acts as such and with the same vehemence dumps it in the paper: "I am taking with you mate and I'm wondering what I can write. I have always the notebook next to me and I'm writing down my ideas. "
Díaz said that "before entering the Penal never wrote even a letter," and even did not finish school. "This book is a dream come true - he explains - something very important in my life. I do not mind spending money that I had to edit it, but I really want is that people will read it and see it from here inside can also be. "And" still deprived of freedom can live and relive and survive "and that" may be taking a mate "but I just want to write."
necessary Lejanía
The author explained that it took several months assembling the book but "the hardest work" - as he calls the process of editing and layout - they did Fabricio Simeoni and Patricia Torres. But Diaz diagramed in full the work, all subtly titled poems and added entries (also written by him) in some texts.
The workshop The Flamethrower is like a big family
about four years ago that the author participates in the literary workshop flamethrowers, which runs on Saturday afternoon at the Library Gaston Gori district in Fisherton. Like a picture that occurred in recent form, detailing precisely the day he attended for the first time: "I was on the phone, handcuffs. He was cold, heat, and I were all together as if part of my family. I always say they are my family, perhaps because I share more with them than with my children. "
Diaz also expresses its appreciation to the members of the workshop over and over again. Nor to exalt the figure of Simeoni and how much represents work done by the writer with her. "He is very special. Big is the force that gives me every day to get up. There are mornings when I wake up and ask, 'What am I doing in here? ". And again I think what I complain and start the day thinking of Fabrizio. "He says. Also, told by the coordinator traveled twice to the Book Fair in Buenos Aires.
Breaking the myths: if you want you can
His work in The Literary Workshop Flamethrower filled her life expectancy. He also said that with doing that carried out within the prison "was able to purchase furniture to furnish your apartment and keep it in condition for when released."
The writer is full of dreams and illusions. Although he admits he has a strong character that also respects the work of those who guard the prison: "Here it is in a harder but I appreciate people around me, even the prison-guard. They are people too, have families and often discriminate against them for wearing a uniform or for the work they do. " Firm in his convictions, Diaz knows what she wants and is grateful for life, even in your situation: "Many times I saw wrong and came up and asked if I needed to talk and had no reason to do so, until I wrote a poem to one of them, because it reminds me my daughter .... "
Remoteness Needed Two poems
A soldier sheaths his weapon
is young but their eyes are hard.
Forced to kill
your heart bleeds
ink poem
he ever wrote.
lines running through the fear.
The image of horror
contains ambitious hatred.
A distinguished landscape
face the indifferent eyes.
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