Raquel Schrott and Ezequiel Miodownik (BIODIVERSIDADLA )
In September 2008, in the province of Córdoba Legislature unanimously adopted a law banning the open-pit metal mining, nuclear mining and use of any chemical contaminant in any stage of the extractive industry. The neighborhood assemblies autoconvocados then held what they considered a "triumph" of civil society, organized, came to mobilize for the right to water pollution.
The hope was placed on the projection that a law of this nature could have on the rest of the country. Traslasierra Wake up! (TD!) And Ongamira Wake up! (DO!), Two more neighborhood groups mobilized by the issue, also warned that at that time were not making the kind of exploitation that the law prohibits and that, therefore, traditionally mining supplier of building materials, from which many families would not be Cordovan affected. [1] On 31 October the same year, from her blog, TD! returned to celebrate, "was published the law!". The government gazette Cordoba and was aware of the 9526 Act [2].
During the first day of December 2009 residents were placed in a "state of alert and permanent mobilization." Seemed imminent declaration of unconstitutionality of the law. From the valleys of Traslasierra and Ongamira, west of the province, turned to get up the slogans for protecting water and air in the growing offensive mining. [3] On the other hand, and a few days, the Superior Council National University of Cordoba (UNC) decided to reject the 3.3 billion pesos to be received as profit distribution of mineral deposits of Agua de Dionisio (YMAD). [4] Law 14,771 of 1958, responsible for creating YMAD provides that a percentage of the profits of the company pass state part of a national fund to be distributed among public universities. YMAD is made by the government of Catamarca, Tucumán National University and the national government. In 1994 formed a Union Ventures (JVs) with
Minera Alumbrera Limited (Xstrata, Switzerland) to exploit the Bajo de la Alumbrera Deposit. The resolution calls on the authorities UNC reviewing mining contracts, the implementation of sanctions and expresses its support to communities affected by mining. As reported by the company, the Alumbrera is a major metal deposits in the world, annually producing about 650 thousand tons of concentrate containing 180 000 tonnes of copper and 600 thousand ounces of gold.
Maria Cuesta is a lawyer and Assemblyman Traslasierra Wake up. After walking through the corridors of the courts of Cordoba looking for information on the status of the 9526 Act, detailed in this talk about the process of participation that gave birth to a provincial regulation that attempt to restrict the advancement of metal mining and nuclear power. In addition, Mary realizes the powerful interests behind the media campaign against this legislation, which put them on alert and mobilization to Cordoba assemblies.
- What is this mining law that was enacted last year? Cuestas.-specifically, the ban imposed on certain types of mining, mining of open pit type and one that uses toxic chemicals and pollutants: sulfuric acid, nitric acid and other substances that are listed and also established based on existing law on toxic waste.
- existed in the province projects or some vested interest regarding this form of mining?
Cuestas.-exist and multiple projects. My colleague, Dr. Martinez Meijide, when he went to the secretariat of Mines of the province of Córdoba was found with a map that looked like a Gruyere cheese. Full scale mining projects and belongings granted. Active exploitation of this type of mining there was, but had a record with respect to uranium, which is a type of exploitation is also expressly prohibited and specifically in this law. Apart from the prohibition of mining of the type and opencast mining that uses toxic chemicals and contaminants, also expressly prohibits any mining activity for all they are nuclear minerals such as uranium and thorium. There were requests to the Secretariat of Mines requesting the granting of mining, for example, Ongamira sector to mine gold, silver and derivatives, and Traslasierra sector, in the part of the High Peaks, affecting what water reserve is the Pampa de Achala, there was also a membership application for mining for uranium mining. This among as many orders and requests. We also suffer in Cruz del Eje, where they concecido a membership, ready to be exploited, gold and silver.
-is, while not being exploited such projects, there was interest and a map to realize the existence of these minerals.
Cuestas.-Salsacate was like this in the area of \u200b\u200bCruz del Eje, who was already with your feet on the court, ie, machinery and everything had been taken. They were about to become effective in some places and others were under way as are the preliminary tasks: they had made some investigations and examinations based on the grant were asking of mining properties. Now, exploited, there was in the technical sense, which is beginning to settle, to be held all the explosions themselves to perform the opencast mines, not yet. But yeah, I'd say there were ongoing projects, just not in an instance of exploitation. Some had already passed the stage of exploration, which is the first stage of mining and were already about to explode, and others were simply seeking to explore as in the case of Traslasierra, who had an application for exploration permit.
- How is the passage of the 9526 Act?
Cuestas. "The law is achieved through great effort of the whole community that stood up in defense, not on a war footing, in defense of the natural resources of the province, especially water resources, forest, which is very fragile at the moment, especially considering that there are provinces sisters who are suffering from the scourge of this type of mining. The whole company rose to defend those natural resources that do this type of exploitation. Not the traditional type of mining is done for years in the province of Cordoba and with which we have no such ban. This law does not affect this type of mining. The community was primarily raised in the Valley and the Valley Punilla Traslasierra in Cordoba city, and well, actually gave us support throughout the province and across the country. Thanks to the efforts of many assemblies that are assembled, they were, which left no space unfilled information they were studying. Are very well organized, so that he marches in Córdoba and the couple was trying to articulate with the various institutions of the province, had requested information from the Faculty, the legislative branch, call Executive. It worked in all areas and in a very democratic assemblies, but very democratic and exercising the right of participation of all citizens.
-assemblies recently Traslasierra Ongamira and circulated an alert warning that the law could come to express the unconstitutionality of the law, what state is this?
Cuestas. "Unfortunately, there was an article in a recognized newspaper headlines around on a Sunday, can not remember the date was two or three Sundays ago. In the newspaper La Voz del Interior a notice stating that came out was a presentation by Chamber of Mining Businesses (Cemincor) and the Association of Professional linked to the Atomic Energy Commission (Apcnean) that had been made to the High Court of Justice for this Act is declared unconstitutional. Came the shout of an imminent ruling by the Superior Court of Justice (TSJ) on this subject, which alerted us to all the assemblies and the entire population. In turn, in time of adoption of the law, they themselves said it was a law "anti-shock" because there was no kind of business in the province, then obviously it did not affect any interest. But apparently yes, as we knew it affected specific interests, made this presentation. What happened? Going to the sources that were mentioned in the article, ie the Supreme Court, the Attorney General of the Province of Cordoba, we found the information that this presentation had been made in May this year the two institutions, and Cemincor Apcnean simply had an order of cars for the purpose of assessing the admissibility of such action. That is, the Court is currently looking to see if the competition is formally recognized by no means yet to be issued on the merits. If it is permissible to say, just go into a process by which the province will take part to perform its release and issued the ruling in due course be appropriate. Now if the High Court of Justice has not yet been granted, if you are just seeing if it supports or not this remedy, I think that there was no news to give. Has obviously been a way, I think, particularly to press for other institutions like the Court to be issued faster.
"In the case of La Rioja, a mining law that prohibited the use of chemicals, changing the political landscape, was repealed. Do you feel that a situation similar characteristics could be lived in Córdoba?
Cuestas. "We all know, not only in Córdoba, but in all provinces with a law of this kind, which may occur. Unfortunately, political interests, our political representatives and the flags representing the economic interests behind all this, they change, and economic interests are always encouraged to by the mining companies that this operation can be performed . Thus, they provide on their side all the resources they can count on, such as funds that wanted to contribute to the University (Nacional de Córdoba) and some universities accepted. Regarding this may occur in the province of Cordoba, hopefully not, but it is possible at any time to change the political ideas and also look at risk this law. It would be unfortunate because it was a law born fruit of consensus and unanimity of a legislature with the full support of the community. There was only a small number of people opposed, of course mining and industrial area, but more than anything wanted to defend the interests of mining in the third category, which is not accepted by the law.
- Is there anything you would like to add?
Cuestas. "I'd like to rescue, but worries us and makes warning to communities that have to do with who we are fighting for a healthy, balanced, as the Constitution says that all this movement saw many shares, an act which covered different sectors of society and that really got the better of society itself. It was seen, at least in Córdoba, the participation of all institutions, in many areas of government and many private individuals with no political interest, stripped of many interests that are usually spurious turning. It was very exciting to see the debate that occurred at the University Nacional de Córdoba and the height to which the debate was the height of the resolution that was issued for the university, raising in society Córdoba all this danger. Woke up good things and saw the same company when he began work as a whole has indisputable achievements.

not sleep
During the first day of December 2009 residents were placed in a "state of alert and permanent mobilization." Seemed imminent declaration of unconstitutionality of the law. From the valleys of Traslasierra and Ongamira, west of the province, turned to get up the slogans for protecting water and air in the growing offensive mining. [3] On the other hand, and a few days, the Superior Council National University of Cordoba (UNC) decided to reject the 3.3 billion pesos to be received as profit distribution of mineral deposits of Agua de Dionisio (YMAD). [4] Law 14,771 of 1958, responsible for creating YMAD provides that a percentage of the profits of the company pass state part of a national fund to be distributed among public universities. YMAD is made by the government of Catamarca, Tucumán National University and the national government. In 1994 formed a Union Ventures (JVs) with
Minera Alumbrera Limited (Xstrata, Switzerland) to exploit the Bajo de la Alumbrera Deposit. The resolution calls on the authorities UNC reviewing mining contracts, the implementation of sanctions and expresses its support to communities affected by mining. As reported by the company, the Alumbrera is a major metal deposits in the world, annually producing about 650 thousand tons of concentrate containing 180 000 tonnes of copper and 600 thousand ounces of gold.
Maria Cuesta is a lawyer and Assemblyman Traslasierra Wake up. After walking through the corridors of the courts of Cordoba looking for information on the status of the 9526 Act, detailed in this talk about the process of participation that gave birth to a provincial regulation that attempt to restrict the advancement of metal mining and nuclear power. In addition, Mary realizes the powerful interests behind the media campaign against this legislation, which put them on alert and mobilization to Cordoba assemblies.
- What is this mining law that was enacted last year?
1] Traslasierra Wake up! and Ongamira Wake up, September 30, 2008. "A triumph of the people of Cordoba with national scope."
2] Traslasierra Wake up, October 31, 2008. "It was published the law!".
3] Traslasierra Wake up, December 6, 2009. "We defend the 9526 Act and our territories."
4] Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, December 15, 2009. "The UNC rejected the Alumbrera mining funds."
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