And why is that so? In the absence of policies designed to raise agricultural production and the quality of the field. As to the negligence of the State that allowed the increase of mining concessions.
How are the concessions in the Puno region?
As I said earlier, 6% of the territory was franchised in 2002, and 20% of the land was contracted in 2008. We as an office have been monitoring over the past two years on the mining concessions that occurred at the regional level in 2008. And we can say that there have been 285 requests for mining concessions in the Puno region, equivalent to about 143,792 hectares. 2008 alone. And in 2009, there has been 321 applications, equivalent to 176,890 hectares. Consequently, we can say that in the last two years there have been 606 applications and has committed more than 320.682 hectares. regional level. If you add these 176.890. concession in 2009, we are talking about 22% of regional land official concession.
If this extension applies only to Puno, then how are the mining concessions at national level?
It is therefore necessary to indicate how much concession area have national data that has much to do with our regional reality. Apurimac is 53% of regional land concession, is with 44% Cajamarca, Piura 26%, 22% Junín, Puno 22%. and Cusco with 15%. As you have noticed, just from 2002 to 2009, we more or less 14% of land concession. As presumed, the trend in 2010 and forward, this will be doubled to more than 285 applications. However, it is important to mention in our region, as in the case of Carabaya has 10 tonnes of uranium potential, ie, is the third of the uranium potential of our country. Ie 100% of tons of uranium in our country, one third is located in our region, this in Carbay (Corani).
Well, we have always been a country of many natural resources
course, and interest in this case, big business is exploration and mining. That of course will bring a lot of investment and the effects are not necessarily positive, but negative.
Is there any rules requiring mining companies to comply with environmental protection?
It should be noted that the Constitution and laws allow free labor, promotes free enterprise and, therefore, large companies find a favorable legal framework for investment, but are less demanding and wary of the environmental effects environmental, social and economic factors that could cause. Therefore we say that where big business operates, there was poverty.
What are the implications of mine?
Our office is not against mining, it is not in favor. First, such exploitation of gold is becoming the main cause of poverty, both in farming, livestock, health of animals and the health of people. Mining also brought social conflict course. I commented that we have found some conflicts in our in our region, among them we mention: The case of the mining Aruntani SAC where communities have questioned his operation, so did the mining Arasi, among other mining centers.
Do statistical data are available? We have been monitoring these two years. In 2008, the Office of Human Rights and Environment, 70 registered social conflicts, both regional provincial and district levels. In 2009, the first half we have recorded 79 social conflicts, ie, has doubled from 70 to 79 had the first half in 2009. It should be noted, that 45 of these conflicts are related to environmental problems resulting from mining.
What is the level of pollution in our region? According to national studies, are above standard allowed the presence of heavy metal in the water, that is, if contaminated.
How many informal miners are in the Puno region? In 2010, we make a study of informal mining. But I tell him that the pleas are more than 606 formal mining, whether small or medium enterprises. They have come to apply for the grant of 20 to 30 ha. to explore and exploit the mineral. In contrast, informal mining does not ask permission, because it works independently by an average of three months.
Why poverty exists in areas where mining companies operate, for example La Rinconada. Is not it contradictory?
Ummm ... the causes are diverse. Working with mining, is an almost to chance. Could be months where people do not get enough, as well as be hours or days when actually find the precious metal. addition, the poorest in the region, seen as an opportunity to develop or make money. However, the activities are not necessarily developed by strengthening capacity of the population, not allowing out of poverty, illiteracy, education. There are people working to gain a sunny day, there are also people who work for 30 to 40 soles and some for a meal.
What can you tell us about the safety of the workers?
work in mines is a little insecure, in fact we should demand who are mid-sized businesses or small businesses formally constituted. This, in the artisanal and informal activity that is difficult to control.
In any case, informal mining does not provide security to its workers?
tano Not so. I'd say both do not. On many occasions the company hires workers for a week for a month, and do not provide optimum conditions for labor. Many times when accidents occur as landslides, companies do not take responsibility, denying that the worker works for the company.
governments always turn promoted mining What do you think of it?
I think it's necessary for society to take the initiative to start a development model that allows, first, develop skills, family, health, education, and second, caring for our environment. The man-land-water-air, I believe it is essential that allow us to be aware of the care of our environment.
What is the area where there amount of mining in the region?
Until 2008 Carabaya had 33% of its provincial territory to the mining concession.
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