"The mountains are ours, the gold of others"
Andalgalá is the third largest city of Catamarca. For ten years there working one of the gold and copper mines world's largest. Locals say the venture did not bring any welfare, pollution and a state reported accomplice. The company ensures that all its actions are subject to the law. Villagers call for a referendum to prevent the installation of another site, which will be the most important American and multiply the problems.
Water for drinking. Best not to breathe air. A poor people, over mountains of gold. These are some of the contradictions of Andalgalá, a town of 17 thousand inhabitants Catamarca, 240 kilometers from the provincial capital, where operation for ten years, gold and copper mine in Argentina's largest and one of the largest in the world. The company, Minera Alumbrera, a Swiss-Canadian consortium, is denounced by the inhabitants of contaminated land, air and water. Social spaces, government and judicial northwestern Argentina warn that pollution would affect three provinces: Catamarca, Tucumán and Santiago del Estero, but the biggest disaster - caution - would begin soon: a new mine, three times larger, more near the town and the mountains that provide water to the entire region. Autoconvocados Neighbors say it will be the coup de grace for the people. Calling for a plebiscite Esquel style. Chronicle from Andalgalá: test case for the large-scale metal mining. Mountains Five hours of bus from San Miguel de Tucumán. Six from San Fernando del Valle de Catamarca. Provided by destroyed roads, gravel on the edge of the precipice, desert climate. Postcard scenery. Andalgalá not a people, is a city. In the city center there are supermarkets, cell phones that are offered in many windows, broadband to every block, many pharmacies, several 4 X 4. There is also a faculty that is falling apart and I scarce roof, a single hospital that always has queues with several hours of waiting and no different neighborhoods of the fallen of the map of Buenos Aires. The main square of Andalgalá meets every locality rule in Argentina profound: it is the epicenter of the city center is located in front of the church (huge), a few meters from the municipality and the police. All are greeted in the square, the street or bars. Everyone knows what the other and everyone knows what position has the neighbor about mining. A few work in the company, charging an average of 2,000 pesos. Amount that ensures prosperity for the winners (in an area where unemployment exceeds the national average) and also ensures loyalty to the employer.
On the streets it is found that adults and children are mostly far. There are few young. The generation of 20 to 30 years seems to have fled in search of that work are scarce. The cars parked in low-and stereo glasses are not at risk tempting. There are few bars. No house has an alarm. All with a neat, clean pavements gray. On the horizon imposing mountain that hide behind, which everyone talks about the gold, copper and facilities of one of the most important sites in the world. Only 4x4 vehicles or motorcycles enduro can spy on the wealth that keeps the lunar landscape of northwestern Argentina.
Either way, all the time mining can be a topic of conversation in Andalgalá: in a bar, the chronicler tasty lamb lunch. A neighbor anti-mining regarded with suspicion and, when they gained some confidence, it ruins the lunch: "It's cheap right? Why is the area of \u200b\u200bAlumbrera. Few dare to the flesh. " "Ten years ago I gave welcome the Alumbrera. I thought it was a sign of progress. We were all happy. But it was the mistake of my life. Everything was a lie, did not work, they brought more poverty and polluted everything. They are killing us, really, I swear, "says Urban Cardozo looking lost, a retired andalgalense that evaluates to sell your home and move where the contamination does not reach it. Along with a dozen neighbors Alumbrera military to "pay for the mess and did not install" the new project. "It will be the death of people," he said.
Autoconvocados Andalgalá Neighbors are teachers, retirees, businessmen, construction workers and housewives who learned of chemical formulas, history, extraction, environmental laws and tax benefits enjoyed by companies. "It's David and Goliath" abstract from one of the country's poorest provinces. Located opposite to the largest multinational mining companies in the world, Switzerland's Xstrata (50 per cent of the shares) and Goldcorp Canada (37.5 percent) and Northern Orion (12.5), the State in its three levels - municipal, provincial and national - and a community divided over the enterprise: families torn apart, brothers who are not speaking, lifelong friends now estranged, traders who have lost customers for opposing mining, or watching neighbors. A mining town where, as the controversy, it affects everyone. Memory
Andalgalá was founded on 12 July, 347 years ago, and had always been a good memory of this mining. In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, was a well-known region protected from mineral extraction with the gallery system on a small scale, with huge demand for labor, picks and shovels as tools, donkeys for transport. Were years of development, when Catamarca were considered as synonymous with growth, moments family memories recorded, transmitted to their children and grandchildren. Hence the germ of welcome and joy at the arrival of a mining company. "But this time the extraction would be different and the profits distributed differently to the last century," lamented Robert Cecenarro, an early pioneer opponents Alumbrera to warn that the honeymoon between people and business would not last long.
ad campaign the company and the politicians of the day promised to build a neighborhood for five thousand people, new schools, a hospital of high complexity, routes asphalt, 6,000 jobs. None of these works are embodied. The company said today that 1,800 people used the place and, indirectly, created 8,200 new jobs. The Autoconvocados say otherwise: they say that mine does not work more than 90 people from Andalgalá. The rest all "foreign professionals" The mayor, an ally of the company, speaking of minor figures: "They used to say that would be a thousand, two thousand, three thousand jobs, but no more than 40 or 50 andalgalenses effective"
Aida Orellana, a thin woman, blonde, histrionic and speaking firm, had believed, like all its neighbors, in the promises. He invested everything he had, and more, to build a small hotel. Believed the city grow, which would give Alumbrera guests and prosperity. But the rooms once housed rare visitors. When he realized the deception began his activism against mining. "It was all a big scam and over poison us," he says again and again shook his head. Both are committed to the fight that ended with the whole family detached, which even today continues to blame the lack of customers. Alumbrera
site acknowledges that you are ten years old and still continues to be highlighted that entrepreneurship is a source of opportunity and economic benefits to the Argentina and especially to the communities near its facilities, "" promised development of the site, buy from local suppliers, but the fact is that from here or do not buy tomatoes or lettuce for salads, "refutes Orellana.
Mine gold and copper
The gold and copper mine owned by the state Catamarca, Tucumán University and the nation state, which make up society Mineral Water Reservoir Dionisio (YMAD), but gave the farm multinationals. Operates at 40 km from the town of Andalgalá, 300 of the provincial capital, between mountains and Olympic fencing. Few
can enter the field, working day and night and where a huge pot of two kilometers in diameter and six blocks deep is the place where explosives, 36 monumental huge mining trucks and shovels remove 340 tons of rock per day. Gone are the images of films: no picks, shovels us, we are nuggets of gold and, even, there are miners.
For every ton of rock you get six grams of gold and six kilograms of copper. Data from the same company Alumbrera boast that in one month using the same amount of explosives required per year across Argentina. It is no coincidence that rain clouds of dust land in the city. In addition, specialists caution that the removal of mountains of rocks accelerates the production of sulphides, which with air and produce water drainage and acid rain, to water pollution in tow.
"The acid drainage are one of the main environmental problems of mining. These drainage occurs when sulphide-bearing minerals in the rock exposed to air or water, making sulfuric acid. This acid can dissolve heavy metals (lead, zinc, copper, arsenic, mercury or cadmium) present in the waste rock and glues to the groundwater and surface water. Produce serious pollution. The naturally occurring acid drainage, singnificativamente but are magnified as a result of mining. In addition, these drains can travel long distances downstream, "explained from Greenpeace.
According to the same company, the site is among the ten major world copper enterprises (with 190 thousand tons per year) and among the 15 gold (with 23 thousand tons). "Minera Alumbrera is the largest electricity consumer Argentina individual, "says the same company in your website. There are hotels for employees and guests, 500 rooms, dining room, games room, gym, internal communal line and three planes that make their own air taxi for executives to Tucumán and Catamarca.
The extraction process is to blow the walls of the mountain, turn rocks into dust and dilute acid solutions that purify the ore. This viscous solution is further purified by a flotation process scale. All waste is destined for a huge dump of 30 hectares and 150 meters high, called "tailings" The crude is sent by a slurry pipeline monumental - an underground pipe - 310 km long passing through Catamarca to Tucuman. Carrying a clay mineral acid and diluted. Reaches Cruz del Norte, Tucumán, where the "Train Alumbrera" (the company has four engines own wagons and 182) carries concentrates to the port of Santa Fe there due to travel abroad, where it is refined. The mega venture also has a 220-kilometer busway, high voltage power lines running through much of Catamarca and Tucumán.
The infrastructure required an investment of 1,200 million dollars. "Little of this expenditure is borne by the company: Article 22 of Law 24,196 legislates that the three percent that the company pays royalties to be deducted costs transport, freight, insurance, milling, marketing, administration, smelting and refining. Thus, the monumental works are paid by the state, "said Marcos Pastrana, the Intersectoral Tafi del Valle, Tucumán, where he also accused the pollution from neighboring Catamarca.
Ten years on: the allegations
prosecutor Antonio Braising denounced the company for pollution. The federal judge in Santiago del Estero Felipe Terán investigates a complaint of the presence of copper and lead in northern provincial and possible contamination of the tourist come to Termas de Rio Hondo. Rosario justice documentary investigating the alleged trafficking and illegal export of metals. Residents of Villa Vil, Catamarca, denounced the company by a toxic spill mineraloducuto. Social organizations Tafi del Valle, Tucumán, warn of air pollution, radiation from the busway and invasion of indigenous cemeteries. Are only five of the dozens of charges against him has Minera Alumbrera, driven by a variety of sectors, localities and provinces.
The owner of the company, Julian Rooney, responded to the accusations: "There is no pollution of any kind. The important work carried out and the findings of environmental monitoring have helped the industry to demonstrate its commitment to meeting environmental standards. The demand
Autoconvocados years "independent" studies of land and water. But the only answers they get are analysis by the same company or sporadic and selective surveys of the province. Not believe in these studies because accuse the company as an accomplice to the company. "Alumbrera it means the provincial government 70 per cent of revenue. Knowing you believe our ruling class who denounce their financial supporters, "says Omar Ramos, a resident of the place.
"Experts recommend doing surveillance, ongoing studies of months. They do nothing about it. To give you an idea: studies of land and water are not controlled by anyone: the company selected the samples, the laboratory carries herself and she informs the supervisory what were the results, "reported the Autoconvocados. Track
analysis is beyond the reach of the neighbors. But tests show their farmers: growing
"Before everything from olives, apples, walnuts. Now nothing grows. Each day the earth is poorer. Ensures
Alberto Zossi, ancient inhabitants of the area.
"Animals die on me. It is not understood why. For me it's because they take the water coming down from La Alumbrera.
Complains Luis Alvarez.
"The chickens are increasingly dwarfs. They look like pigeons. Smile
Marcela Orellana, robust strange animals he used to feed his family.
A technical study flying various sectors was conducted by the mining expert Héctor Oscar Nieva. It is his studio expertise to the University of Nancy (France), which confirmed that the dock tails (the big pot that makes landfill mining) leaks that contaminate groundwater in the area. The company recognized losses and installed a pumpback system for the solution mining beyond the corral him again. Nieva says pollution is watered by underground Catamarca. "The problem may worsen the closure of the mine. Vis Vis Narrow River and the fate of all the pollution will be the largest freshwater reserve in the region important. Already death of animals in the area of \u200b\u200becological impact of mining. They say they do not pollute, but it is clear that there is something, "said the specialist.
Alumbrera President said that" the engineer's study takes into account Nieva Details and extrapolations that have nothing to do with the reality of what actually occurs, so no technical basis. In our website you can find a job with the arguments that explain why they are inaccurate the above conclusions Nieva engineer. "
From Greenpeace claim that "it is clear that mining activities often produce short-term economic benefits to communities. But also cause environmental impacts and long-term health that mining companies often avoid paying "
however, told the newspaper La Gaceta, the National Secretary of Mining, Jorge Mayoral - who refused to speak to this newspaper - , surprised the Tucumán and Catamarca to deny that there is an environmental problem linked to mining activity and said that "some mischievously, intended to create uncertainty," The Federation of Environmental Organizations Tucumán soon answer: "No officer may not know that the business conducted by the firm not only earned the condemnation of the community, but also its principal executive is indicted for alleged contamination by the Federal Justice "agreed the representatives of the entity, Pedro Ottonello and Juan Manuel Prado iRatchet.
calchaquíes In the valleys, the Intersectoral Tafi del Valle - which brings together social organizations of the place - was declared by the "not for the metal mining caused severe environmental impacts in the community," said Marco Pastrana concerning the Intersectoral, who recalled with the towers of the busway was invaded indigenous sacred sites. Require that the area be declared tucumanos valleys "protected area"
The word of mouth Andalgalá shows that gastrointestinal diseases multiplied, but neither the local hospital or any branch of government account for any study. Once, in 2003, met local hospital statistics: they confirmed that since the installation of the mine until 2003, respiratory diseases in children had increased from 1374 to 2244. They pointed out as responsible for the mine. Were never disseminated health information site.
"The project was designed following environmental standards equivalent to those required by the countries leading producer of copper and gold, and guidelines established by the World Bank, "said Alumbrera in presentation folder
Water, divine treasure
Water is gold the future, say various sectors to ensure that wars will be for this natural resource. In Catamarca "the liquid is not necessary, but not to the gross surplus," smiles Urban Cardozo, the retiree activist. Alumbrera has a permit for extraction of 1,100 liters per second. This is the same at 66,000 liters per minute, nearly four million liters per hour in a semidesert area. "Best do not realize how much water the day that gold goes with "jokes White Rado, a retired teacher and scholar thus causing large-scale mining.
Alumbrera has six wells drilled to depth, which sucks groundwater for 24 hours. "Water extraction does not affect the availability of water from neighboring towns," said Rooney Pagina/12.
Canada's Northern Orion (Alumbrera shareholder) will shortly begin the infrastructure work in another field, three times larger than Bajo Alumbrera, just 17 kilometers from town, on top of mountains located across from city center . Plans to extract gold, silver, copper and molybdenum. "The development of Agua Rica is technically feasible and could be developed as a reservoir of low-cost, long life," says the letter of the same company. Planning process, per day, 70,000 tons of rock, with a lifespan of 30 years. Neighbors Autoconvocados
remark that, besides the same pollution that leads Alumbrera that mountain born three rivers - the White Lock and Mines - which feed water to the region: almost a quarter of the province. Everyone recognizes that this will be the final blow to the people. "No people can survive without water," he said over and over time. Many houses and land and property release their lineup "for sale"
"My daughters are studying in the provincial capital. I ask you please not come back. Starting their life there, though it hurts me soul. What will come? This is a doomed city. Dito Regrets
Chambers, Councilman Andalgalá, historical opponent of Alumbrera.
- "Without gold you can live without water. If you move the new mine, this will be a ghost town," predicted John Mansell, a young music teacher who also knows the story: "It's incredible, but what is happening same as 500 years ago. It's coming out, show you mirrors, food parcels, they take the wealth and leave death and destruction "
" They suck the water, "he said the Church of Bariloche on Entrepreneurship miners in the south try to replicate what we already do in Andalgalá, where the population is also a believer, but the local curia not want to move mountains and parishioners against Alumbrera. "Here the church has power, but also pro-mining," said Matthias, a young student in the main square, opposite the village church. He declined to give his name: at home are prominería.
The water used is recovered. No treatment is possible to be profitable again. Putting in place the new holding the amount of water used will be triple. The new mining venture is called, paradoxically or black humor, "water rich" irony of fate, the mine will take three times the water that will not be more tasteless, and odorless, and colorless.
Plebiscite: Whether or not the mine
The mayor, Jose Eduardo Perez, 49 years old. Always lived in Andalgalá. Brown complexion, straight black hair, combed neatly parted on the left. Is PJ. Think a few seconds for each question. During the campaign that led to the municipal executive had promised a plebiscite to decide which do with the Agua Rica deposit. But now I found a downside: "The people must decide, but I'm sure he's still not ready because it ignores the issue. Still, I can assure you that from my management is not contaminated anything, "said Pagina/12. When asked when they will be prepared for the same voter referendum that led him to be mayor, says not to know, but says the company is innocent of everything. Only fault, over and over again, "previous governments that did not require the company to fulfill its promises." "He is prominería" says Salas Dito some possible causes and risk this changed his mind: "One mining truck is worth more than it collects the town throughout the year. Alumbrera pays for the fuel for municipal vehicles and ambulance, purchase supplies for the hospital, paid funerals of the poor, distributes food parcels, gives tools and technical schools to purchase the medals of graduates, who promises a job will never "Advertising company also claims that delivers educational materials to schools, support to clubs and social institutions, gives away toys at the Children's Day, attend - as long as government advertising - to 50 health posts with medication. All that at one time for the State, today the company performs.
"village head or council member who opposes the mine often changes suddenly, your mind," he smiles Luis Maidana, a young man working in the bus terminal.
And provincial authorities? Responsible for Mining, Joseph Siner never responded to numerous calls from this newspaper and for two weeks, was - according to his secretary said "in a reservoir in Salta" where there are no phones, even cell "Secretary of Water and Environment Catamarca, Juan Cristobal Acuña, was more direct: he said to his assistant that he has nothing to say on the subject.
In 2004, Minera Alumbrera $ 683 million turnover: 1,980 million pesos. "Given the last four quarters (the last two of 2004 and the first two of 2005) Alumbrera paid in royalties, 51 million pesos "said Rooney. Is 2.5 of its total turnover.
According to the company, in its publication "Community Supplement Minera Alumbrera and the community", has just pay the municipality of Andalgalá in mining royalties: 14 million pesos. This represents 0.7 percent of gold and copper in the last year was taken from the mountains Catamarca.
Congresswoman Marta Maffei visited the area last year and repeated a fact: "The Big Ten will be the country's mining minerals for 25,000 million, of which only 380 million remain in the country"
is that the money that mining companies are no export taxes (as if paid, for example, agricultural products).
"They do not want to Alumbrera because they have work and food, but many of us depend on it, so we will not be going," sincere Antonio Frías, about 40 years, burly, unemployed, sitting in the square of the village. One of the few voices in favor of the company found this newspaper.
The Autoconvocados drive a binding referendum before the end of the year, but they know it's a double edged sword. If you arrive at that instance, the big question is knowing what will happen. It is a very different context to Esquel. "Here there is much need brother, the company has oiled all your handouts, your crumbs dropped in many places and those people, unfortunately, depend on Alumbrera to survive," sincere Cecenarro, pioneering activist against company.
Aida Orellana, although fierce opposition to mining, does not believe that the referendum to not succeed. "Here the company sends. Da food. Is very different from Esquel. There are many people need and obedient to put something on the plate, "he laments. The Autoconvocados he snapped back: "We have nothing to lose. We must make it clear that you can live without gold, but without water. "
As for the refusal of the National Secretary of Mining, Jorge Mayoral, to talk with this newspaper, the spokespersons of the Ministry insisted that "laws can not change the taste of people. There is a law that must be met. You have to keep predictability. Invite communities to participate with the companies, but the laws that must be fulfilled "Match: The owner of Alumbrera, Julián Rooney, stressed the" importance to maintain clear rules in time. The fact that they have maintained until now means an incentive for future investments "
In April last year the residents of the town of Choya (Andalgalá department site) rejected the Agua Rica Project environmental risks that could lead to water pollution and air. They did this by a document that adhered to 80 percent of the population.
"Bajo de la Alumbrera is a source of opportunities and economic benefits for the country and especially for those communities close to its operating facilities," reads the publicity still of Alumbrera. By
like ten years ago, the owner of Agua Rica, the Canadian Northern Orion - which has 12.5 percent of Alumbrera - and promises to employ over 600 people and made numerous works for the good of the community.
ARGENTINA: the darling of mining (D. A)
Esquel, Chubut, is the pre-mining. Jáchal in San Juan, the over. Andalgalá, the after extraction, when gold is gone and the mountain is a giant bore. Only three of the fifty-metallic mining projects in Argentina, which have many promoters and detractors. State and employers on one side. Social organizations and people on the other. Promises of investment and development work on one side. Allegations of environmental degradation, poverty and looting on the other. Situation of a controversial silenced.
country's mineral exports were multiplied in the last decade. According to official data of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Mining (SICyM), in 1993 Argentina exported $ 15.8 million. Following approval of new mining legislation, the change was dramatic: in 1999, was 705 million.; In 2001 of 754 million in 2002 to 990; 2003, 1,100; and projections for 2006 are 1.466 million.
According to the same official statistics: metalliferous minerals such as gold, silver and copper account for two thirds of the volume of exports of so called "mining boom" is that the laws of menemato are seductive, are highly environmental and tax beneficial to the company, "explains Marcos Pastrana, Tafi del Valle.
Congressman Carlos Tinnirello, specializing in the subject, said that "mining companies recently began the invasion of the country, but the projections of the same companies indicated that we expected a major invasion of businesses. And, of course, can never develop such ventures without compromise governors and politicians of the national executive, who listen much to the miners but very little to the people who warn of the risks, especially water springs that are committed "
" Mining handle the media, municipalities, provinces, officials even higher. Stocks harassment exert opposing and promising a welfare cheat who will never come. Meanwhile, the executive, legislative and judicial are available to companies, they always have to hand political and legal devices to achieve their ends. Must be aware that this is the looting of the country's natural resources " Tinnirello reported.
luxury hotel in the Toronto, Canada, where he developed the World Mining Congress, all specialists prominería set their eyes on Argentina and categorized as "the darling" of the sector. Remarked that the star of the moment has 5,000 kilometers of mountains, 75 percent of its untapped resources and you give it only three percent. Multinational United States, Canada, Australia, Chile and Argentina brought to Europe as the region to invest and Latin America as the destination of the decade. No longer secure the benefits of legislation. In the international mining were shopping next to Secretary of Mining of Argentina, Jorge Mayoral, governors and mining authorities of San Juan, Mendoza, Catamarca, La Rioja, Salta, Jujuy and Santa Cruz.
After the mining exhibition, Secretary of Mining traveled to Washington for a meeting with the owner of Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), Enrique Iglesias, who drives the mining and "development for the region" "At the request of Minister of Federal Planning, Public Investment and Services of Argentina, Julio De Vido, Mayoral Churches met to assess support plans to boost Argentina's mining activity and promote sustainable development of small, medium and large scale mining, "the official press release from the Secretariat.
At that congress, the state mining YMAD - Reservoir owned Alumbrera - offered to international companies a set of "areas rich in copper, gold, silver and molybdenum, Catamarca" In a business review entitled "YMAD, A Great Opportunity (Great Opportunity), "the company said executives of multinationals," They have opened new reserves and has developed an ambitious plan to drill. Structures is an area with gold, silver and manganese "
The Biennial Plan 2004-2005 for the National Mining Secretariat insists that Argentina has more opportunities than other regions by the "rethinking of tax and legal frameworks" are there in (the laws of the decade of 90).
"The mining laws are beneficial to the end for business", abstract from the Network of Communities Affected by Mining, which brings together people of San Juan, Chubut, Córdoba, Tucumán, Catamarca and Black River. While it is up to the provinces the resources originating domain, they (owner of the mineral) can not charge more than three percent of international sales price of metals. But that three percent of companies deduct the costs of transportation, freight, insurance, milling, marketing, administration, smelting and refining. "Multinationals have no export taxes, foreign exchange should not pay off (do not enter the money from their sales to the country, everything is moving abroad), do not pay gross receipts taxes, or fuel ( we all pay when loaded gasoline), or stamps, or fees for import costs deducted twice for the purposes of income tax in the first five years do not pay federal taxes, provincial and municipal. For example, do not pay income tax or gross income. They do not pay VAT or income tax machinery, "explained from the Network of Communities. In addition, enjoy tax stability for 30 years. That is, any change - eg check tax, paid by all Argentines, or the yard of 2001 - does not affect them. Euphemistically called "reliable mining regime"
the global situation (by DA)
Several international experts say it is coincidence that the first world countries (especially USA and Europe ) metal mining is prohibited or strictly regulates and controls so that companies are fleeing their countries of origin. After ninety (with new laws in favor of) the multinationals began to operate in Latin America. Today, the map of Latin America shows, especially the string of Los Andes, a multitude of points that show how they replicated the mining projects throughout the region, always in the hands of a dozen companies.
Latin America remains the first destination of the funds for mineral exploration worldwide, according to a report by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) of the UN. In 2004, the fifth of international resources for the sector were to the region: 774 million dollars.
Peru was the Latin American country that received the largest contribution of funds for mineral exploration with 196 million, followed by Mexico with 154 million, Brazil 131, Chile and Argentina with 109 and 53 million.
suspend the activity of a mine in Catamarca after a "pueblada"
environmentalists against mining pollution.
Meanwhile, demonstrators protesting the Rioja mining pollution today announced that travel to the town Catamarca Andalgalá to support their neighbors, while in Buenos Aires Labor Party members marched to the House of Catamarca, in the neighborhood of Balvanera .
Judge Guillermo Cerda ordered mine today the "cessation of activities until further notice" in the mining project with the intention of ending the social conflict the area where two men were arrested last night, police officers injured and damage to buildings and cars.Security Undersecretary Catamarca, Luis Baracat, reported today that police personnel had the task of preserving order in the area and not crowd control after protests that led to the passage of a machine company Agua Rica by a national highway where protesters cut traffic for months.
assemblies, through a delegation of a dozen representatives, and will be added to the protesat CONRA Agua Rica mine, a venture three times larger than La Alumbrera. Crabbe said he was "very concerned about what is happening, we are distressed Angalgalá what happens, but when burned potatoes, people come out." According to Assemblyman Rioja, after yesterday's conflicts in Andalgalá "no authority, everyone fled. The town was in better hands in the hands of the people." Assemblymen
opposed to mining venture Catamarca said that police and gendarmes fired tear gas and rubber bullets to dislodge the road, which remained cut since December for vehicles and machinery company. Prosecutor Martha
Nieva days ago asked the protesters cleared the road and accused the four of them on charges of simple threat, minor injuries and damage to real competition, as well as interference with the operation of land transport. DyN
February 2010 / Quebracho group participated in the destruction in Andalgalá
Quebracho group leader, Carlos Bartolo, recognized the organization has tables in the province of Catamarca, and the department Andalgalá "for 2 years", while making up the so-called Citizens' Assembly, through the organization and the Movement Anibal Veron.
This would confirm the information issued by different social actors Andalgalá, in that during the outrages activists were able to identify pictures with a high degree of preparedness in action against the police force.

Andalgalá, the city
Catamarca The government granted mining concessions throughout the basement of a city of 17 thousand inhabitants. To move the extraction activity, referred to vacate the town's historic village. Rejections from the neighborhood assembly.
By Dario Aranda - 03/28/2010 Page 12

In an unprecedented move, the government of Catamarca gave the urban area of \u200b\u200bthe city of Andalgalá in concession to mining. Even said that, if necessary, residents leave their homes for the mining development with mineral extraction. Andalgalá is the third largest city of the province, was founded in 1658 and its 17 000 inhabitants can not believe that mining activity will prevail over its 350 year history. "It's amazing how the government gives us the voracity mining," reported Grace Chayla, a member of Neighbors for Life Assemblies, space mobilization prompted the city to demand the withdrawal of Alumbrera and the prohibition of mining activity. In 2009, the government of Catamarca and had approved a controversial bill (called Agua Rica) just 17 kilometers from the city and neighbors accuse as the gateway to other projects, including one that will involve the compulsory eviction inhabitants. The local city council approved a referendum binding for the population to decide whether to accept or reject the installation of Agua Rica.
The official document, the Ministry of Mines of Catamarca, is clear: "The mine area covers almost Andalgalá City, a situation that is ordinary, since according to the Mining Code the two properties can co-exist well as surface mining, mining being the case for purposes of prospecting and exploration, which should reach a holding shall provide for the compensation due and the public interest by the State for the development priority ". Is the paragraph text of an official letter, dated on November 18, 2009, and which bears the signature of the highest authority Catamarca mining, the Secretary of Mining, Guillermo Sinner.
The official report states that this is the case "770B2005", that the site was called "Pilciao 16" and details that gave the area businesses BV Billiton Argentina and confirmed the possibility of expropriating homes to advance mining. The report also states that the department Andalgalá weigh 280 mining permits for prospecting and exploration. 4465 Pilciao involves only 16 hectares, much of the town.
The mining concession Andalgalá city was quietly granted in December 2005 and was kept secret until last November, when Councilman Alejandro Páez placed an order for reporting to the Secretary of Mining of Catamarca. "In mid-2009 I noticed that in a nearby area, and valleys where the people of Andalgalá has reserves of groundwater, began to see movement, drilling and land sales. So I made the request for information to the competent authority. I never imagined that our authorities had given the people so outraged, "explained Paez.
With the context of a community discussion for a decade by the mining stocks, the possibility of mass evictions and the loss of place where they lived all his life, the rejection increased activity. Neighborhood Assembly for Life Andalgalá in December gave the warning: "We are expelled, violated, outraged, to learn that the Ministry of Mines granted the company Argentina BV Billiton mine area covers almost Andalgalá City. Can not enter into the logic of no more value that a government's interest in a mining company over the rights to life of the city, "he lamented.
prompted neighbors "Walk for Life" marches in which gathered more than 5 000 people (in a town of 17 000). Chayla Graciela is 46 years, five children and was born and raised in Andalgalá, like their parents. Have a question and two certainties. "How are encouraged to do something like Pilciao 16 with the evacuation of the city included?" He replied: "The government and the companies never thought that people would be lifted, we saw how it is, too quiet. As we have already allowed Alumbrera, thought that we would not do anything. On the other hand, it is clear that they were wrong: Andalgalá resist. "
Billiton BV belongs to the international group BHP Billiton, based in Australia and a presence in 25 countries. Exploits and marketing oil, aluminum, brass, steel, diamonds and coal energy. One of its subsidiaries (BHP Petroleum Corporation) explores, with permission from British Petroleum in the Falkland Islands. BV Billiton has a presence in Argentina since 2007 Salta, which has 40 hectares under concession. The company has no website in Argentina, there is information about you in places specializing in mining and mining ministry had contact Catamarca date.
From the mining ministry refused to talk with Pagina/12 Catamarca. If talking to the local daily El Ancasti. Admitted the concession of Andalgalá to the company, it introduced an environmental impact statement in 2006 and explained that "the concessionaire has shown no interest in it in recent years, by which is meant lack of interest in the area ".
Páez Councilman takes away from the provincial authorities. "16 was an overwhelming Pilciao made without consulting the people directly affected. If you have had that decision to make, I can not believe anything they say the companies, the mining ministry Catamarca, or the Secretary of Mining of the Nation. "
Neighbors who oppose a decade of mining activity also claim that the reverse is only momentary and warned not to leave the streets until their demands are met: "Out Agua Rica and never Pilciao 16. No to mining, yes to life. "
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