For Helio Gallardo
The beginning of the XXI century political promise was made to Costa Rica. The debacle 'end' of politicians, businessmen, legal and illegal, appeared to be consolidated with judicial inquiries against three former presidents of the Republic, and the subsequent rise in the opinion of two of them. Was broken and the link between existing sectors in the wrong mob called the National Liberation Party and the Social Christian Unity. In the 2002 presidential election, three candidates pronounced, from different angles, the cleaned up of political life: Abel Pacheco, Otton Solis and Otto Guevara.
The purge of the policy dealers (Plus Car started) opened the way for a change in the political culture in Costa Rica. It was feasible to cleaned up and the need for dialogue and transparency arrangements with several organizations to provide answers to the country at the juncture of globalization and long on the most pressing local challenges such as deterioration of social security and citizenship, the abandonment of infrastructure and the futility of public education, including primary and secondary proliferation and accentuation of social gaps and the vigorous entry of organized crime.
looked like a cleaned up the socio-political existence could sustain a new culture. The dialogue may lead to concerted government (various parties and sectors) that would eradicate the vices of the patrimonial state patronage and venality.
Unfortunately, a factor of the old political culture, the insulation without public dialogue, champion for the Pacheco administration. And he stressed the triumphalism that aroused in the ranks who calls himself patronage of the National Liberation Party's very Oscar Arias pulled candidacy. This was declared over all land animals and Captain of the ship One should be brought to fruition. Rule with his brother, friends, yes men and executive secretaries. Count, when there was mutual benefit, with the support of big business and the largest print media. Atolillo Cooptaría or give the finger at allies circumstantial. No dialogue with opponents of that judge or resentful or enemies. In short, down scoundrel who polarized the citizenry and the country in at least two elections.
In this context, elections express another setback in 2010. In the absence of progress in a culture of dialogue and consultation, the electoral stage, if the polls have some truth, moved roughly to the right. Who calls himself the PLN is now a private interest groups, perhaps legal, but politically suicidal. A typical device right. And the candidate two, a tenacious opportunist who want personal success more than anything else in the world. The typical personality cooptable by large economic interests. A figure, never a leader, right. The shift to the right makes the choice to compete against the big money people, with few opportunities for the latter.
Move to the right unilaterally in Latin America, and Costa Rica is no exception, presents the problem of stress a carefree cynicism by ordinary people and strengthen the noble character of authoritarianism, corruption and venality of traditional and 'our' culture policy.
So instead of persistent glimpsed cleaned up, the extension of the corruption and venality, this time, strengthened by the concentration of powers and complacent players almost entirely due to a certain impunity. And instead of recognizing and vital democratic dialogue between parties, the ominous signs of authoritarianism.
We want to be wrong because the country seems to have no answers for these challenges. And if we are not the pious Virgin finds all confessed.
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