Graciana Petrone for
Horacio González |
more than six years ago led by the National Library, the place where they spent the great cultural definitions of times throughout the history of Argentina, mainly during the nineteenth century . Insoluble carrier and philosophical dialogue, Horacio Gonzalez faces one of the most profound and paradigm of the day: the forms of reading and appropriations that generates the e-book, between that ideal romantic location for all the past was better and the need to adapt to new technologies. "There
symbols and stories behind the books, but now it seems that in adolescents the degree of ownership and appropriation of these traditions are drawn on a line a little fuzzy. Why?
"It is true that there is a discontinuity in culture and this provides an opportunity for new generations to pick up the thread. They are currently changing reading patterns and hotspots cultural interest, although it is difficult to imagine a society or a historical period without the same cultural tasks that are reiterated, under different names, throughout all time. Reading will be provided disinterest (or trial on the lack thereof) will also exist. There will always be those who declare that the previous generation or the one that follows are selfless.
- mark historic moments in culturally appropriate ways?
"Not in vain there is a true privilege for our own time and that is common to say" my time. " We always believe that there is a golden age, the time to be presented as Adamic, primitive; time of the birth of the things that we would have attended and we had that privilege. Each generation makes a computation on the disappearance of the things we have been interested, but we must be confident that every time someone resume the thread. Introduced as a subject is something that has no easy explanation, and all seem capable of being declared lazy, indifferent, to be out of the conflict and concerned about our own stuff. However, sooner or later, we broke loose threads that seemed extinct.
-The eBook is because of ongoing discussions. How does the National Library-related projects that question?
"The book addresses living with all forms of book known, but we have the obligation to declare the book as a higher form of paper. The eBook is a small mobile library which raises the possibility that some bookstores and libraries can be subjected to harsh questioning. Mediations urban life experience of the book could disappear and would not want that to happen, so there is a significant responsibility of the companies that broadcast the ebook. When it comes to support, civilization is not a string of media ranging from DVD to iPhone, but a set of supports asymmetric and discontinuous. So it can not be equal to the electronic book of five or six centuries. I favor the digitization process, but no general policy in Argentina and France scanning, making it a State issue and dispute the control of culture. Here does not exist. There is technology but lack general projects, you need to discuss with institutions responsible for defining public policies.
- Is it likely, then, that the generations born in the digital age find their significance in the ebook?
"Probably, but I have seen people on the street today with electronic book. There is a locus, a place of reading the world that can be a library or a bus, the book addresses the root replaced but the original experience of the urban reader. One imagines that technical advances can reproduce with some fidelity, but not identical, the effects of reading the book as it is known so far. On one side is innovative and on the other, as that culture makes return to times well past where there was only the relationship between form and content. The technique is wonderful to play at the discovery of new devices, but also fall back to a primitive form of the relationship between form and content.
- How do the National Library its bicentennial?
"You almost strictly parallel with the social and historical periods in Argentina, from Mariano Moreno today. Although at the time there were directors who were more than four decades, today the library is not above the cultural moments. That is always subject to discussion, if the library is part of the state but is expressed in a more immune to the vicissitudes of state policy or if you live the life of state policy. It's an interesting dilemma.
- These dilemmas have been restated following the dictatorship?
-Library live the life of political cycles in Argentina, which presupposes a change of status. Media before talking to the state it another way, were part of the state and at the same time were located with some privileged cultural word. Today who can claim to States are the media and as they appear today in the contemporary world, libraries must rethink their situation, and which are no longer the center through which pass the cultural definitions of the time. They were until the time of Paul Groussac and in certain moments where Borges was simply because it was Borges. Today libraries are saved from the social or community quickly becoming technologies, which at some point is necessary, but should recover their cultural autonomy. Instant
Horacio González (Buenos Aires, 1944) a doctorate in Social Sciences at the University of San Pablo in 1992. Besides director of the National Library, is a professor at the University of Buenos Aires, Rosario National University and the Faculty Free. He is editor of the magazine polled Eye "and among his books are The philosopher earnings, Arlt: politics and madness, The art of travel by taxi and Etchings temporary. González will participate in a meeting where they discussed about the conservation of flat work, which take place on 17 and 18 of this month at the Cultural Center of Spain Park.
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