Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Starch To Go With Pork Tenderloin

Rincon Slaughter Pump: A passage in Argentina's history macabre

Graciana Petrone

Hundreds of Aborigines were Formosa massacred while peacefully demanding food. Require the Federal Government to recognize the genocide.

Around 500 dead bodies and pools of blood lay scattered on the paths that line the central plaza of Ayo pump, a small town in the province of Formosa. The tragedy occurred when the National Guard troops opened fire on hundreds of community members Pilagá, who claimed in a peaceful manner by sending supplies and medications from Casa Rosada. Although one of the premises of journalism in reporting is the immediacy of fact, when these data are met in 2005, the news was old. Aboriginal tribe attacked had to wait more than 50 years before coming to light the truth about the slaughter of his people that he suffered in October 1947.

The genesis of the fact that at present known as "October Bomba", took place in the middle of last century when Pilagá tribesmen refused to work as slaves on sugar plantations in the province of Salta and returned to Formosa. Upon returning to their place of origin faced another harsh reality: the lack of food. It was then that the government initiated claims of Juan Domingo Peron. "When General learns of the situation sends two wagons with food, clothing and medicines, "says Rodolfo Hachen, linguistics professor at the School of Anthropology National University of Rosario (UNR).

But the truth is that supplies were withheld by police Formosa and allocated among the police and some locals. According to scholar, just let them "offal and rotten food, which caused the" death of over 50 indigenous poisoning. " Pilagá community believed that Perón had defrauded and left to claim peacefully, totally unarmed, while the police brutally killed about 500 Indians, mostly women, children and elderly. "As an absurd scene in a movie of Leonardo Fabio - he explains - hundreds of them marched through the streets carrying portraits of Perón and Evita and were shot by machine guns."

The truth unearthed and a claim that continues
During a scan carried out by professionals Team Forensic Crime Investigation, 17 March 2005 were found 27 bodies buried in different places the town of Ayo pump and its surroundings. Enrique Prueguer, one of the specialists in charge of the investigation that opened the door of one of the bloodiest hidden passages in the history of indigenous peoples, detailed in his report that the remains were not in a common grave but were found in various locations. "The slaughter did not end when the police attacked the Indians during the demonstration - Hachen clear about it - but were pursued and killed and buried as the last."

Pilagá community now claims the state that the "October Bomba" is recognized as genocide. The request was made by the lawyers Carlos Julio Garcia Diaz and Federal Court of Formosa in 2005, in a lawsuit where they demanded that the nation compensation to Aborigines "for damages, lost profits, damages, moral damages and determining the historical truth" . According Hachen account, Foundation Rigoberta Menchú acted as collateral in these trials, in which called for an economic compensation to the "same treatment" had been given to victims of military dictatorship.

"The Government's response - says Professor - Was that it was not genocide because Pilagá not constitute a people. They were denied the historical fact and nature of citizen. " Hach, the reason for rejection was because of Nestor Kirchner, who was head of the National Executive in 2005, refused to comply with a request addressed directly "against the figure of Perón". The various human rights organizations the country also joined their support. "Just this year some of the associations are realizing that the causes of Aboriginal people must be defended with the same wording - synthesized - and for the first time in 2010, some groups involved in the Languages \u200b\u200bCongress. "

Rodolfo, a professor of linguistics at the Universidad Nacional de Rosario

Fuentes Rodolfo Hachen, University FM interview, May 30 , 2010
Documentary / file
Indymedia, Eduardo Rodríguez Baz note


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