Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Do You Get Migraines After Movies
I admit, this time has given me much "stick" to have to ride the bike the day after the race in Brno Four days on the bike are many, but only if you been in the race as I was me, falling when risking their best to beat Valentino.
No rest. I advance that I'm a little thick, so I kindly with this column I do from Brno, because there have been test after the race. Three days on the bike, which is what takes a great prize, it is enough, so four ... I admit, this has given me enough time to ride the bike club, something that helps that I've gone wrong in the race. When you do well, you're happy and motivated, so you take in a better mood having to try stuff. Mosque
passenger. Equally sincere I am for one thing, also for another, and I assure you the mosqueo by the fall was temporary. I jumped in only twenty minutes very pissed off, but from there, I made a stop and changed my attitude to be positive. In fact, I am convinced that some of the people who saw me would have thought that I was the winner of the race so glad and happy that I saw.
telemetry does not lie. I've ever said that it is no use being bitter. I know I made a mistake, basically because you rarely fall without fail. This is usually because you have done something different to previous rounds and the telemetry is very clear why this Brno twenty yards braked later than normal and much stronger. So the fork down too much, much more than normal, he stops and closed the address. Also I got a little more open and can grab a dirty area or bumpy for not happened before.
Analysis. cold Analyzing the race, I realize I made a poor start which made me lose a second and a half about Valentino. Recover that difference was expensive and was an extra effort that he did not do, because once you put first. Add to that that I was not as comfortable as Friday and Saturday, which made me wear me a lot when I arrived at his wheel. Had to be forced into each stop and get very tired. That was cool did not and could not shoot and run away.
Confessions. It is frustrating to had the best rate for all training, three or four tenths higher than that of Valentino, and then roll half a second slower in the race. That made the difference, because he shot like he did, but later acknowledged he was very forceful. If he had endured before the curve as the story would have been different, because he was on the edge. In fact, in the post-race conversations between mechanics, one of the side Valentino told him some of mine, in not having gone to ground at the time, could have let go of my wheel. And will never know ...
Store "? Never. Some might think that there should be been more conservative in those laps and wait for later, but I had to try to escape. I prefer what has happened to have run conservatively and settle for second place half a second of it. It is something achieved with relative ease, but I served. I had to exhaust my chances of title and was the day to take risks.
The Spartans. For those who most feel is the eleven members of my Fan Club who had dressed as Spartans in the stands. I am very happy with the great work they are doing Carlos and Paco, for each week and more people are targeted. I'm in the circuit.
My future. I'm in a few days crucial to know what happens with my future and I have to decide very quiet because it can make my career. In short you will know who to run next year, and I, but in the meantime I am enjoying reading the biography in English of Carl Fogarty. It was a very interesting pilot and one of my idols.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
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In President's Office announced yesterday the start of construction of the Pascua Lama mining project, the world's first bi-national enterprise. The dangers and dark act of Barrick Gold, the mining of the Commonwealth.
The Malvinense June 8, 2009
In President's Office announced yesterday the start of construction of the flagship mining project Pascua Lama, the first bi-national enterprise the world to be held in the Argentine Chilean border ...
The gold and silver mine is located in the Valle del Cura, San Juan province, and in the province of Huayco, the Third Region of Atacama in Chile.
The announcement was made at the Government House after a hearing that President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner granted to directors of the company, which was also attended by Governor San Juan, José Luis Gioja, Minister Planning, Julio De Vido, and representatives of the Canadian Embassy.
mining secretary, Jorge Mayoral, told a news conference the details of the project, he said, is carried out under the Treaty of Integration Argentine Chilean Mining, "a foundational tool that promotes mineral development in the border zone between the two countries," he said.
"Pascua Lama is constructed, a major project of gold and silver miners of the undeveloped world," said Aaron Regent, representative of Barrick Gold, who emphasized that entrepreneurship is an "environmentally sustainable than generate substantial benefits for regional development. "
The implementation of Pascua Lama will require an initial Inversiones more than 11,000 million pesos to achieve an average annual production of 750 to 800,000 ounces of gold and 35 million ounces of silver in the first five years.The company's expectations, according to the projection of its production to begin in late 2012 or early 2013, is to stay 25 years in Argentina.
Barrick Gold, pirates and entrepreneurs
's top global management of Barrick Gold, Peter Munk, who has met a few weeks ago with Cristina Kirchner, has a record for nothing favorable.
Munk and Kirchner at the Casa Rosada in April last
Across the world, namely in Papua New Guinea, Barrick Gold was featured in the burning of hundreds of homes, supporting local shock troops. At the end of last April, hundreds of homes in the valley of Porgera in Papua New Guinea were burned by impact forces. Porgera local organizations claim that these fires are part of a strategy to displace the local population, and Barrick Gold Corporation to expand its open pit mining using cianuro.El April 27 without warning, the original inhabitants of the villages surrounding the mine's open pit gold mine in Porgera Barrick Gold Corp. were violently evicted and prosecuted, in a police operation 200 troops and military. "Operation Ipili 'was launched during mid-day. According to Phillip Kikala, Porgera Laigap member of Parliament, this 'state of emergency' was motivated by the progress reports submitted by Barrick (PNG) Limited. The homes of local land owners for three generations were deliberately destroyed, causing residents to flee for fear of losing their lives. According to the Akali Tange Association (ATA), a human rights organization in Porgera, none of the residents were given time to gather their belongings. Anyone who talked was physically assaulted by security forces, others were arrested.The following picture shows the Porgera mine in New Guinea.
So will the geography of San Juan after the mining project Pascua Lama?
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El Diario de Madryn August 11, 2009

Information on mining projects has been always tinged with suspicion, given the extreme secrecy surrounding the multimillion dollar business. In general the data are imprecise, particularly fragile and changing, since the development of projects is subject to taxation, legal, economic, social and environmental. Nevertheless, the increasing participation of civil society organizations in monitoring mining allowed to make a list of major mining projects in Chubut:
1 - Tropezón: uranium mining project in an area of \u200b\u200b200 acres in the San Jorge basin. Company: Portal Resources Ltd. of Canada have now been conducted sampling trenches through an area of \u200b\u200b1850 meters.
2 - Gift: No data yet, probably operating at 70 km silver Christmas. Companies: Consolidated Pacific Bay Minerals Ltd. and Aquiline Resources Inc. 3 - The British company UrAmerica SA is seeking uranium in a region of 10 000 hectares in the central highlands of Chubut. United are also doing Energy Minerals and Mega Uranium Ltd.
4 - Cerro Solo: Draft extraction of uranium and molybdenum in an area of \u200b\u200b708 hectares in the department Paso de Indios, El Escorial, near the town of Paso de Indios. Property of the National Atomic Energy Commission.
9 - Cord Leleque: gold mining project north of Esquel deluded. Braking by the residents of Esquel. Company: Yamana Gold Corporation currently. At the time grew to 381 employees. 10 - Cord Leleque: gold mining project north of cord br> 11 - The Rock: gold mining project. Company: Yamana Gold Inc. 12 - Mercedes: gold mining project. Company: Yamana Gold Inc.
13 - Cerro Crespo: No information on this other gold mining project. 14 - Liliana: gold mining project in an area of \u200b\u200b36 hectares in the department Gastre, stay Calcatapul, near the town of Gastre. 15 - Huemules Center: Project for extracting gold, silver, lead, copper and zinc in an area of \u200b\u200b42 hectares in the department Futaleufu, near the town of Esquel. Company owner: Patagonia Gold. 16 - Huemules North: Proposed removal of gold, silver, lead, copper and zinc in an area of \u200b\u200b36 hectares in the department Futaleufu, near the town of Esquel. Company owner: Patagonia Gold.
17 - Huemules South: Proposed removal of gold, silver, lead, copper and zinc in an area of \u200b\u200b36 hectares in the department Futaleufu, near the town of Esquel. Company owner: Patagonia Gold. 18 - Nahuel Pan: No data, possibly removing gold. Company owner: Patagonia Gold. 19 - Christmas: Proposed open-pit mining of silver and lead near the town of Gastre. Company: Aquiline Resources. The company is building an airstrip for their private use as runway could be paved by the government of the province of Chubut and therefore paid by Argentine citizens. The 20-Springs: Project to revive the gold mine's Angela. Companies: Cardero Resource Corp. and Hochschild Mining. Currently in stage sampling boreholes. 21 - Patagonia: Project well underway for uranium mining in the open.
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Mining Journal
While Chubut has already granted permission to search on some 50,000 hectares of its area, San Juan has in store for several exploration agreement in conjunction with the National Atomic Energy Agency.
August 11, 2009 .- The state Fomicruz Santa Cruz, meanwhile, wants to find the action in Las Heras. The search for uranium is one of the mining activities is attracting more interest worldwide, despite the crisis. In Brazil, for instance, recently announced a plan to triple the current official reserves resource over the next three years. Argentina is no stranger to this trend. In recent weeks, there have been interesting news related to exploration in three provincial jurisdictions uraniferous: Chubut, San Juan and Santa Cruz.
The province ruled by Mario Das Neves confirmed that he gave permission to search on some 50,000 hectares of its area. Most of these grants were intended to UrAmerica signature. Chubut has already issued permits to find all types of minerals in 22% of its territory. In San Juan, meanwhile, is working to sign an agreement with exploratory National Atomic Energy Commission (CNEA). The idea is to progress in prospecting, exploration and evaluation of uranium deposits in order to determine the true potential of the province. According to Standard forward Boero, President of the CNEA, the activities would take place in areas that are now digging in to the Provincial Institute of Exploration and Mining Activities (IPEEM). "The truth is we have made the draft agreement and, soon, will define which areas can be explored," said the directive.
His body, which is seeking the mineral in Mendoza, Salta, Chubut, Santa Cruz, Catamarca and La Rioja, aims to develop the uranium map of the entire country. As for Santa Cruz, the company aims to increase public Fomicruz prospective programs in the short term. In fact, Governor Daniel Peralta said publicly that the uranium can not be left to any private company.During her last visit to the province, the Planning Minister Julio De Vido, emphasized the importance of exploiting the mineral in the Laguna serve and look at all Las Heras. "This is a strategic resource for Argentina, especially now that we are in full development of the Plan of Revitalizing Nuclear Activity," he said. UNIFICATION

mining activity in the province of Chubut
The Journal
exploration areas marked in red on the inside of the map. Mainly
Mega Uranium Ltd. Canadian
Stage: exploración.Opera also in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Australia and Canada. MegaUranium miner, bought the two areas where the greatest amount of coal reserves in the country: Golfo San Jorge in Sierra Pintada in Chubut and Mendoza. It is estimated that between the two areas, there are at least 40 million pounds of uranium U3O8. (10.3 million in Cerro Solo in Chubut and 30 in Sierra Pintada, Mendoza).
Pacific Bay
Canada. State: exploration. Opera in Argentina and Quebec. Two properties of this mineral in Chubut: "Cerro Solo" and "Gift." Cerro Solo is estimated there are about 5 million kilograms of uranium. 16/04: Authorizes the English and Canadian mining exploration uranium mining company UrAmerica SA British capital was authorized by the government of Chubut to find uranium in an area of \u200b\u200b10,000 hectares in the central highlands of this province. Six new exploration permits and mineral prospecting nuclear were granted by the government of Chubut ... Full story ,
Another foreign airport in the South: The Canadian mining
invade Patagonia Canadian miner Aquiline Resources, owner of Christmas project, is building an airstrip near paved aircraft Gastre in the province of Chubut. The digital site "Dirty Gold", reported that the airfield will enable the operation of aircraft "of great size, and the track will have a capacity for nine aircraft." According
Dirty Gold, "away from the social function a flying club," the Canadian airport has to meet a business need for a large-scale mining project that has the consent of Aboriginal communities in the central plateau, and whose mode of operation (open cast metal) is prohibited under the 5001 Act, which governs the province of Chubut.
Full story,
Opera in Argentina and Quebec. for gold and uranium. In the exploration area called " Gift, "about the Christmas Project. The area has an area of \u200b\u200bover 10,000 hectares.
Peaks Status: Two exploration projects future exploitation: The Golden Gate Fortune and
Monday, August 10, 2009
What Would Pokemon Look Like With Gentials
a mine to extract gold far
By Natalia Muscatelli
photo = new Gallery (document.images ["photo"] Array ('/ diario/2009/08/10/thumb/1889653-1.jpg '), document.getElementById ("FotoEpigrafe"), Array (' ON THE MOUNTAIN. VELADERO MINE IN SAN JUAN OPEN. '), document.getElementById ("vinculoFoto"), Array ('1135776'), document . getElementById ("numeroFoto")); foto.setFoto (0);
Located in the province of San Juan, for three years Veladero operated by Barrick Gold. And there seems to have more gold that glitters. So in the last quarter of this year, the mine prepared a second line to enable grinding of metals will increase its production capacity: a work in which the multinational injected an extra investment of $ 70 million.

For Barrick, at this time, the business has for the economic context. "In times of crisis, gold works in reverse as the dollar," said Carlos Cabanillas, corporate affairs manager of the mine in Peru, "because people took refuge in stocks of gold companies or in physical gold," he explains. Globally, during the second quarter, Barrick produced 1.87 million ounces of gold at a cost of $ 452 per ounce. And the results of the company in South America, exceeded what was planned. However, since Barrick say the
- Clarín, Argentina - August 10, 2009
Washing North Face Apex
Corta Atalaya - Open Pit
24,228 law is Argentina's mining law in force since May 6, 1993 to present to approve this law, met the president and the governors of the time to meet the following objectives of federal mining agreement:
"To encourage a rational and comprehensive utilization of mineral resources National territory.

Strengthen Federalism as the role played by provincial governments as stewards of the mining heritage in their States. Make
jointly measures to promote investment opportunities in mining Argentina. deepen the decentralization process as a model for the provision of basic state functions. protect the environment through a rational productive activity.updated criteria apply to existing legislation and harmonize rules of procedures, taking into account the characteristics of each region. Optimizing the use human resources, financial and mining infrastructure of national and provincial institutions. "
As it says in the second paragraph one of the objectives is to promote domestic and foreign investment in the country, but if we read all the law (here) in the third clause says
Provincial Enterprises, State or Mixed mining area will not have any privilege in relation to private sector companies.
In the fifth clause says FIVE:
Las Provincias Miners harmonize their procedures in order to achieve basic guidelines common throughout the country, based on the principle
process in motion by trade and the establishment of peremptory and non-renewable terms In the ninth
Las Provincias foster the elimination of those taxes and municipal taxes directly affecting mining.
In the tenth says
foster the elimination of stamp duty for all those legal acts related to the exploration, exploitation and processing of mineral substances with the exception of hydrocarbon solids, liquids and gases. So am I correct that the Federal Government can not exploit the mineral resources belong to the national territory? Because if the provinces are those that must be ordered to: comply with clause fifth, ninth and tenth, if it should occur at the state idea of \u200b\u200ba state mining company, would be in conflict with clause 3, since the same company would have some privilege, if the state which is responsible for promoting the country's mining progress. "Leaving the field open to private companies?
Illegal Escombreras
private companies in Argentina:
recorded a total of 30 corporations, mostly from Canada, who currently carry out projects exploration and mining within the country. The provinces most important industry Argentina are mine San Juan, Catamarca, Tucumán, Santa Cruz, Chubut, Salta and Jujuy to have the presence of 80% of foreign companies operating in this sector. Meridian Gold, Tenke Mining Corporation, Barrick Gold, Xstrata Plc, Northern Orion Resources, AngloGold Ashanti and Silver Standard Resources are among the leading companies not only in terms of investment and ownership in the country but also worldwide. Much of the operations are performed by local contractors who assume full responsibility for the workforce in the various mining projects. Through the outsourcing of human resources necessary to carry out operations foreign companies avoid the obligation to comply with national legal standards on working arrangements, take any responsibility for accidents or injuries in the mining, and address complaints and prosecutions for violations committed in the framework of international human rights conventions established by the UN and International Labour Organization (ILO). For example, Barrick Gold has approximately 138 direct employees. 192 belong to local contractors as Tecnoandina, Eco Mining, Major, Tabolango, Madcur, Fluor Daniel, ACME, and Bondar Clegg. Other smaller capital corporations and presence in the country working exclusively with outsourced labor, making it difficult research the record of reliable data on the number of local hires and working conditions of workers currently working in mining financed and managed by transnational corporations.
This is a summary of transnational corporations operating in the country, if you want to see a detailed report of what are the 30 companies, ie: name, country of origin, who funds them, where they are acting, investment level , how many employees they have, etc.., visit this site
The extraction process of mining equipment in open pit mine consists of several steps: a) To remove the land mine high explosives are used, then the remains are crushed and reduced to powder to allow separation of mineral waste rock. b) Once the crushed material is sprayed with a "chemical soup", which in the case of gold is mainly composed of sodium cyanide, in the case of silver, arsenic and copper with sulfuric acid. c) After the material is washed with large amounts of water by gravity to separate the metal from waste rock at the same time remove the chemicals found metal. The water used in flushing out the remnants of the chemical used, which is then centrifuged to re-state the chemical powder that can be refined properly. opencast mine
When using a large amount of explosives to do literally a hole in the earth generates a large cloud of smoke that is carried by winds to the mountains producing acid rain, the water used to "wash" the material is usually poured into the nearby rivers and in fewer cases, in pools, also in the process of grinding the material to generate the so-called "heap" and "tailings impoundments." Also in the water "washing" are other metals considered "heavy" that mixes with the water and then are discharged into rivers or lakes nearby, without naming the huge hole left in the land that will be almost impossible to heal.
tail dikes
All is not lost:
While our government, negotiate with these companies and they wash their hands, people and organizations responsible for combating TNCs such, here are some examples:
mining company pulled out of Salta:
The Central Organization of Argentina's Salta welcomes the withdrawal of the British company Alexander Gold Province I had the concession for mining in the hills Metan department. Since no it is a loss to the province, as the company wants to make it look, but a triumph of the struggle of residents organized in VAPUMAS (Neighbors Autoconvocados For A Healthy Environment).
open pit mines have been banned in many countries and as well in several provinces due to the pollution they produce. congratulate VAPUMAS (of which the CTA is a part) and residents of methane and Rosario de la Frontera this triumph of the struggle to defend the environment and national heritage.
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Kaos on the Web, Tilcara, Jujuy, Argentina, May 9 .- About 1,500 people marched Thursday from Juella to Tilcara Central Plaza to protest the open pit mining and exploration for uranium and other ores in the area. Were over 1500 people who Wipala flags, homemade signs and encouragement of protest marched under the dry Tilcara sun, asking for the closure of polluting uranium mining and open pit.
Around 1,500 people marched Thursday from Juella to Central Plaza Tilcara to express rejection to open pit mining and exploration of uranium and other ores in the area and Yacoraite Juella. Women, men, children and young people of Tilcara, Juella, Yacoraite and Communities Department Tilcara Jujuy go again, reaffirming their willingness to defend the land, water and air in the Quebrada de Humahuaca after the Administrative Court rejected Jujuy amparo filed by the Neighbors Autoconvocados in August last year.
impressive number of protesters, bearing in mind that the town of Tilcara, head of department, has more than 5,000 inhabitants. On the morning of mobilization, legal representatives Autoconvocados presented at San Salvador de Jujuy appeal this denial to the Superior Court of Justice to the Administrative Court of Mines to refrain from issuing permits for prospecting, exploration and open pit mining.
Neighbors also submitted a letter to Governor Walter Barrionuevo, and another requesting the provincial legislature passed a law banning open pit mining and use of toxic substances throughout the province. During the ceremony held in the Plaza de Tilcara, representatives of organizations and institutions in the region in various ways expressed its deep regret at the installation of mining companies in the Quebrada de Humahuaca and Puna. Farmers, pastoralists, Aboriginal communities, teachers, students, traders and craftsmen give testimony with his presence and voice, the will to continue the struggle.
From the stage, where they were located indigenous agricultural products like corn and potatoes, were recalled those tested cases of mining pollution in our province, lead and zinc from the effluent water tailings dam of Mina El Aguilar, the blood lead in children of Abra Pampa, and abandonment of mines Mina Pan de Azucar, among many others.
also mentioned other cases of people of Argentina to resist and fight against mining, such as Famatina, Esquel, Córdoba, Neuquén, Mendoza and San Juan.

Firmly, the people spoke again and warned the authorities not to permit the entry of any mining company in the region and to stop the vehicle if it becomes necessary. Many local media, provincial and national-as TN and Chronicle TV Buenos Aires, and newspapers Cry, Lea and The Tribune of Jujuy, among many others, covered the bodies of mobilization.
The large open-pit mining is the worst option of "progress" for our province, as they want us to believe. Moves a lot of money among few people, pollutes the environment, now and for our children, uses millions of gallons of water a day, drying up streams and ground water, harming agriculture and livestock, definitely ruining life in the countryside and villages the Quebrada and Puna.
Juella The march from the National Highway No. 9 was accompanied by many posters and banners, hand made, some hanging from the neck of llamas and dogs, others carried by the boys. Some of the slogans were:
"We want for our children, land, water and air pollution free" government, we want to be heard. We do not want to touch our soil "" Thousands of years, potatoes, corn and culture in danger! "" Let us live with our livestock and crops. Not the Mina Juella "" Defend the future of our children and our mother earth, Pachamama. In Juella not to death, yes to life "Jujuy heritage of pollution."
Saturday, August 8, 2009
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Adriana González Serrano
Umberto Eco, The Name of the Rose
For most men the intellect is a complicated machine, sinister and shrill, which costs much work to implement. To work and think wisely using this machine is called "taking the matter seriously." What painstaking efforts should cost them think wisely! In what is seen, this cute animal is a man loses his good humor and becomes subject to serious start to think sensibly. Against any 'gay science', this animal would have the prejudice that prevail when the laughter and joy in fits and starts thinking. Well! We show that this is a prejudice!
Nietzsche, The Gay Science
How to read and write? With passion. Actually always case. The Greek term"
pathos" which worth me here to talk about passion, refers to an affective disposition either: piety, pleasure, love, joy, hope, sadness, boredom, hatred , anger, fear, anger, cowardice, envy, anger, grief, sorrow. It is these conditions that we move through the world, and of course the pages of books to read and to write keys. The conditions are not decorated with texts: they are his blood. Do not come after the ideas are their source. Umberto Eco wrote The Name of the Rose because it felt like poisoning a monk. He also wanted the reader to have fun as much as he enjoyed running his fantasized murder. I wanted the reader to be his accomplice, "an accomplice who came into my game, it became my prey, the prey or text ... text wants to be a transforming experience for your reader " (Eco, 1995: 652). Of course, not all want to transform the reader texts and not all readers want to be transformed. There are also those who do not want readers to transform reading a book, as Jorge de Burgos. II
"affection understand the conditions of the body, which increases or decreases the power of acting the same body, and at the same time, the ideas of these conditions"
(III, definition 3). In the history of human existence has prevailed a passion: the insane passion for truth, a condition that has diminished the power of bodies, life itself. We have become slaves to our own ghosts. William of Baskerville knew, and knew then Nietzsche. Also, both envisioned a laugh-a-affection as liberating. Jorge de Burgos also envisioned. But so blind dogmatic pun intended-not convenient. It then transformed an antichrist born of excessive love for God and for truth, ready to die and kill for God and for truth.
What we have to laugh? Of truth Who have we to laugh? Ourselves. Why laugh? Because only laughter can be brought below the ideals that have created and where we thought: This condition can only against other condition.
Where the truthfulness and accuracy of scientific methods? The passion of scholars, their uncertainties, their fears, their mutual hatred, their fanatical and always resumed discussion of the need to overcome "
(Foucault, 2004: 18). Any similarity to the atmosphere of the abbey that William and Adso visited, as well as many other places throughout human history and like our current schools, it is no coincidence.
genealogical task undertaken Nietzsche and continued other thinkers, like Foucault, is to verify the origin "human, all too human" ideals of which we have become slaves. Slaves of our own ghosts!
" What is the truth? A host of metaphors, metonymy, anthropomorphic, in short, a sum of human relations which have been enhanced, extrapolated and embellished poetically and rhetorically and which after long use, a people considered firm, canonical and binding, the truths are illusions of which it has been forgotten are metaphors that have been forgotten that there are more than metaphors and have been taken by the same things "
What is found here is, first, the creative potential of human beings, and on the other hand, the ridiculous nature of the origin of the ideals supposedly transcendent, divine and sacred, are human, too human. Laughter is one that can free ourselves from insane passion for truth, which can kill a god, which may be politically transgressive, which can be enhanced. So Jorge of Burgos is made problematic because Jorge is the desperate desire of human beings insurer:
- The mood is serene only when he sees the truth and delights in the good he has done, and true and good move not to laugh. So Christ did not laugh. Laughter encourages doubt.
Without doubt, the most dangerous to accept these ideas can also be assessing the game of fool who laughs at something whose truth, enunciated and once for always, should be the sole object of our knowledge. And so, laughing, the fool says implicitly: non est deus.
Only from the sickness and weakness can say that there is no reason to laugh, just from the weight of the great ideals.
The measure took Jorge was expected: the prohibition of a text that contains the possibility of
"whether the metaphors, puns and enigmas, the poets seem to have imagined only for sampling, can encourage reflection different and amazing things "
(Eco, 2003: 86): The ability to write and read for the sheer delight of writing and reading, the possibility of a reading that dares to laugh. Which prohibited the blind monk-dogmatic, and many other blind-dogmatists have or might have, was the interpretation, the delightful exercise of interpretation, "the ability to open and break the literal and cause an explosion symbolic powers where the last reference, god, becomes expendable ... the possibility that a book is an expression of an immanent textual universe " (Hernández, 2003: 18), the possibility that the truth we do not care-as William, but we enjoy ourselves by imagining the most possible potential, the ability to think and keep thinking. Jorge banned the possibility of using the books to be transformed. Foucault once said in an interview that he would write books bomb, ie books that are useful precisely when one writes or reads. Then they could disappear ... but not before wreaking havoc.
Eco, Umberto (1995)
The Name of the Rose
. Barcelona: Lumen. ________ (2003)
The Name of the Rose
. Buenos Aires: Debolsillo. Foucault, Michel (2004)
Nietzsche, genealogy, history
. Valencia: Pre-texts. Hernández, Pablo. "Methods for reading in The Name of the Rose" in: Revista
Communications. Volume 12, Year 24, number 1 & 2. Nietzsche, Friedrich (2005)
The Gay Science
. Madrid: Edimat. ________ (2007)
Truth and Lies in