Corta Atalaya - Open Pit
24,228 law is Argentina's mining law in force since May 6, 1993 to present to approve this law, met the president and the governors of the time to meet the following objectives of federal mining agreement:
"To encourage a rational and comprehensive utilization of mineral resources National territory.

Strengthen Federalism as the role played by provincial governments as stewards of the mining heritage in their States. Make jointly measures to promote investment opportunities in mining Argentina. deepen the decentralization process as a model for the provision of basic state functions. protect the environment through a rational productive activity.
updated criteria apply to existing legislation and harmonize rules of procedures, taking into account the characteristics of each region. Optimizing the use human resources, financial and mining infrastructure of national and provincial institutions. "
As it says in the second paragraph one of the objectives is to promote domestic and foreign investment in the country, but if we read all the law (here) in the third clause says
Provincial Enterprises, State or Mixed mining area will not have any privilege in relation to private sector companies.
In the fifth clause says FIVE:
Las Provincias Miners harmonize their procedures in order to achieve basic guidelines common throughout the country, based on the principle
process in motion by trade and the establishment of peremptory and non-renewable terms In the ninth
Las Provincias foster the elimination of those taxes and municipal taxes directly affecting mining.
In the tenth says
foster the elimination of stamp duty for all those legal acts related to the exploration, exploitation and processing of mineral substances with the exception of hydrocarbon solids, liquids and gases. So am I correct that the Federal Government can not exploit the mineral resources belong to the national territory? Because if the provinces are those that must be ordered to: comply with clause fifth, ninth and tenth, if it should occur at the state idea of \u200b\u200ba state mining company, would be in conflict with clause 3, since the same company would have some privilege, if the state which is responsible for promoting the country's mining progress. "Leaving the field open to private companies?
Illegal Escombreras
private companies in Argentina:
recorded a total of 30 corporations, mostly from Canada, who currently carry out projects exploration and mining within the country. The provinces most important industry Argentina are mine San Juan, Catamarca, Tucumán, Santa Cruz, Chubut, Salta and Jujuy to have the presence of 80% of foreign companies operating in this sector. Meridian Gold, Tenke Mining Corporation, Barrick Gold, Xstrata Plc, Northern Orion Resources, AngloGold Ashanti and Silver Standard Resources are among the leading companies not only in terms of investment and ownership in the country but also worldwide. Much of the operations are performed by local contractors who assume full responsibility for the workforce in the various mining projects. Through the outsourcing of human resources necessary to carry out operations foreign companies avoid the obligation to comply with national legal standards on working arrangements, take any responsibility for accidents or injuries in the mining, and address complaints and prosecutions for violations committed in the framework of international human rights conventions established by the UN and International Labour Organization (ILO). For example, Barrick Gold has approximately 138 direct employees. 192 belong to local contractors as Tecnoandina, Eco Mining, Major, Tabolango, Madcur, Fluor Daniel, ACME, and Bondar Clegg. Other smaller capital corporations and presence in the country working exclusively with outsourced labor, making it difficult research the record of reliable data on the number of local hires and working conditions of workers currently working in mining financed and managed by transnational corporations.
This is a summary of transnational corporations operating in the country, if you want to see a detailed report of what are the 30 companies, ie: name, country of origin, who funds them, where they are acting, investment level , how many employees they have, etc.., visit this site
The extraction process of mining equipment in open pit mine consists of several steps: a) To remove the land mine high explosives are used, then the remains are crushed and reduced to powder to allow separation of mineral waste rock. b) Once the crushed material is sprayed with a "chemical soup", which in the case of gold is mainly composed of sodium cyanide, in the case of silver, arsenic and copper with sulfuric acid. c) After the material is washed with large amounts of water by gravity to separate the metal from waste rock at the same time remove the chemicals found metal. The water used in flushing out the remnants of the chemical used, which is then centrifuged to re-state the chemical powder that can be refined properly. opencast mine
When using a large amount of explosives to do literally a hole in the earth generates a large cloud of smoke that is carried by winds to the mountains producing acid rain, the water used to "wash" the material is usually poured into the nearby rivers and in fewer cases, in pools, also in the process of grinding the material to generate the so-called "heap" and "tailings impoundments." Also in the water "washing" are other metals considered "heavy" that mixes with the water and then are discharged into rivers or lakes nearby, without naming the huge hole left in the land that will be almost impossible to heal.
tail dikes
All is not lost:
While our government, negotiate with these companies and they wash their hands, people and organizations responsible for combating TNCs such, here are some examples:
mining company pulled out of Salta:
The Central Organization of Argentina's Salta welcomes the withdrawal of the British company Alexander Gold Province I had the concession for mining in the hills Metan department. Since no it is a loss to the province, as the company wants to make it look, but a triumph of the struggle of residents organized in VAPUMAS (Neighbors Autoconvocados For A Healthy Environment).
open pit mines have been banned in many countries and as well in several provinces due to the pollution they produce. congratulate VAPUMAS (of which the CTA is a part) and residents of methane and Rosario de la Frontera this triumph of the struggle to defend the environment and national heritage.
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