Kaos on the Web, Tilcara, Jujuy, Argentina, May 9 .- About 1,500 people marched Thursday from Juella to Tilcara Central Plaza to protest the open pit mining and exploration for uranium and other ores in the area. Were over 1500 people who Wipala flags, homemade signs and encouragement of protest marched under the dry Tilcara sun, asking for the closure of polluting uranium mining and open pit.
Around 1,500 people marched Thursday from Juella to Central Plaza Tilcara to express rejection to open pit mining and exploration of uranium and other ores in the area and Yacoraite Juella. Women, men, children and young people of Tilcara, Juella, Yacoraite and Communities Department Tilcara Jujuy go again, reaffirming their willingness to defend the land, water and air in the Quebrada de Humahuaca after the Administrative Court rejected Jujuy amparo filed by the Neighbors Autoconvocados in August last year.
impressive number of protesters, bearing in mind that the town of Tilcara, head of department, has more than 5,000 inhabitants. On the morning of mobilization, legal representatives Autoconvocados presented at San Salvador de Jujuy appeal this denial to the Superior Court of Justice to the Administrative Court of Mines to refrain from issuing permits for prospecting, exploration and open pit mining.
Neighbors also submitted a letter to Governor Walter Barrionuevo, and another requesting the provincial legislature passed a law banning open pit mining and use of toxic substances throughout the province. During the ceremony held in the Plaza de Tilcara, representatives of organizations and institutions in the region in various ways expressed its deep regret at the installation of mining companies in the Quebrada de Humahuaca and Puna. Farmers, pastoralists, Aboriginal communities, teachers, students, traders and craftsmen give testimony with his presence and voice, the will to continue the struggle.
From the stage, where they were located indigenous agricultural products like corn and potatoes, were recalled those tested cases of mining pollution in our province, lead and zinc from the effluent water tailings dam of Mina El Aguilar, the blood lead in children of Abra Pampa, and abandonment of mines Mina Pan de Azucar, among many others.
also mentioned other cases of people of Argentina to resist and fight against mining, such as Famatina, Esquel, Córdoba, Neuquén, Mendoza and San Juan.
Speakers also alluded to the declaration of World Heritage in the Quebrada de Humahuaca by UNESCO in 2003, which was driven by the provincial authorities with promises of development and progress, and marked the contradiction between this initiative and plan Mining currently facing the provincial government, which will destroy the precious and irreplaceable natural capital of the region.
Firmly, the people spoke again and warned the authorities not to permit the entry of any mining company in the region and to stop the vehicle if it becomes necessary. Many local media, provincial and national-as TN and Chronicle TV Buenos Aires, and newspapers Cry, Lea and The Tribune of Jujuy, among many others, covered the bodies of mobilization.
This massive demonstration was reaffirmed the commitment of our communities. We will not tolerate mining in the area. We will not allow the looting of our natural assets. Resist the force that gives us the defense of our own and ours, our health and future of our children, our lifestyles, our culture and our Mother Earth.
The large open-pit mining is the worst option of "progress" for our province, as they want us to believe. Moves a lot of money among few people, pollutes the environment, now and for our children, uses millions of gallons of water a day, drying up streams and ground water, harming agriculture and livestock, definitely ruining life in the countryside and villages the Quebrada and Puna.
Juella The march from the National Highway No. 9 was accompanied by many posters and banners, hand made, some hanging from the neck of llamas and dogs, others carried by the boys. Some of the slogans were:
"We want for our children, land, water and air pollution free" government, we want to be heard. We do not want to touch our soil "" Thousands of years, potatoes, corn and culture in danger! "" Let us live with our livestock and crops. Not the Mina Juella "" Defend the future of our children and our mother earth, Pachamama. In Juella not to death, yes to life "Jujuy heritage of pollution."
The large open-pit mining is the worst option of "progress" for our province, as they want us to believe. Moves a lot of money among few people, pollutes the environment, now and for our children, uses millions of gallons of water a day, drying up streams and ground water, harming agriculture and livestock, definitely ruining life in the countryside and villages the Quebrada and Puna.
Juella The march from the National Highway No. 9 was accompanied by many posters and banners, hand made, some hanging from the neck of llamas and dogs, others carried by the boys. Some of the slogans were:
"We want for our children, land, water and air pollution free" government, we want to be heard. We do not want to touch our soil "" Thousands of years, potatoes, corn and culture in danger! "" Let us live with our livestock and crops. Not the Mina Juella "" Defend the future of our children and our mother earth, Pachamama. In Juella not to death, yes to life "Jujuy heritage of pollution."
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