El Diario de Madryn August 11, 2009

Information on mining projects has been always tinged with suspicion, given the extreme secrecy surrounding the multimillion dollar business. In general the data are imprecise, particularly fragile and changing, since the development of projects is subject to taxation, legal, economic, social and environmental. Nevertheless, the increasing participation of civil society organizations in monitoring mining allowed to make a list of major mining projects in Chubut:
1 - Tropezón: uranium mining project in an area of \u200b\u200b200 acres in the San Jorge basin. Company: Portal Resources Ltd. of Canada have now been conducted sampling trenches through an area of \u200b\u200b1850 meters.
2 - Gift: No data yet, probably operating at 70 km silver Christmas. Companies: Consolidated Pacific Bay Minerals Ltd. and Aquiline Resources Inc. 3 - The British company UrAmerica SA is seeking uranium in a region of 10 000 hectares in the central highlands of Chubut. United are also doing Energy Minerals and Mega Uranium Ltd.
4 - Cerro Solo: Draft extraction of uranium and molybdenum in an area of \u200b\u200b708 hectares in the department Paso de Indios, El Escorial, near the town of Paso de Indios. Property of the National Atomic Energy Commission.
9 - Cord Leleque: gold mining project north of Esquel deluded. Braking by the residents of Esquel. Company: Yamana Gold Corporation currently. At the time grew to 381 employees. 10 - Cord Leleque: gold mining project north of cord br> 11 - The Rock: gold mining project. Company: Yamana Gold Inc. 12 - Mercedes: gold mining project. Company: Yamana Gold Inc.
13 - Cerro Crespo: No information on this other gold mining project. 14 - Liliana: gold mining project in an area of \u200b\u200b36 hectares in the department Gastre, stay Calcatapul, near the town of Gastre. 15 - Huemules Center: Project for extracting gold, silver, lead, copper and zinc in an area of \u200b\u200b42 hectares in the department Futaleufu, near the town of Esquel. Company owner: Patagonia Gold. 16 - Huemules North: Proposed removal of gold, silver, lead, copper and zinc in an area of \u200b\u200b36 hectares in the department Futaleufu, near the town of Esquel. Company owner: Patagonia Gold.
17 - Huemules South: Proposed removal of gold, silver, lead, copper and zinc in an area of \u200b\u200b36 hectares in the department Futaleufu, near the town of Esquel. Company owner: Patagonia Gold. 18 - Nahuel Pan: No data, possibly removing gold. Company owner: Patagonia Gold. 19 - Christmas: Proposed open-pit mining of silver and lead near the town of Gastre. Company: Aquiline Resources. The company is building an airstrip for their private use as runway could be paved by the government of the province of Chubut and therefore paid by Argentine citizens. The 20-Springs: Project to revive the gold mine's Angela. Companies: Cardero Resource Corp. and Hochschild Mining. Currently in stage sampling boreholes. 21 - Patagonia: Project well underway for uranium mining in the open.
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